System Pics 2021

Nice @CliveB !

Yours is framed much, much better than mine - I had it in a tube for a long time (it’s a numbered print and I was hoarding it!) and the frame was the only one to hand when I realised that not having it on display was just stupid!

It’s one of my favourite images, and my favourite Dead LP. Very happy to see yours - lovely!


Thanks :smiley:

They are 9 inches from a solid wall with no discernible issues,


Late night shot.
Planet Waves on deck…should have been AoxomoxoA!

Notice the rubbish framing!


Out with the UQ2 and Neat Iotas, and in with a Qb2, which I picked up earlier today. It works so much better on the desk than the two speakers did on the wall, given my single sided hearing loss, and I’m delighted with it. It’s a big step up from the original Qb, both in sound and functionality, and it’s much more neat and tidy.


I thought I should contribute to the system photos as well as the Aoxomoxoa love-in.

It’s strange to think that when I started listening to this, I had no idea that Live/Dead would soon be hitting the turntable. I guess we might have bought the poster at the same time - I seem to remember someone was reprinting various SF psychedelic posters in limited editions (in the 80s?). I had the advantage of a brother with an art supplies and framing business which is why mine was framed professionally.


Ah - that explains the transactions with the other fishes - very nice.

Loving the Aoxomoxa be-in, Clive!
I’ll get my copies together for a group photo - with the stereo of course!
There was a company doing the posters as you said, but at this distance I forget the name,sadly.
Dark Star is a beauty ( happily found a US white label promo on Ebay a couple of years ago) but it’s always Aoxomoxoa I turn to.

And, ahem, of course the system plays it beautifully (seedy attempt to keep within the thread…)


How do you the new iMac @anon4489532 ? I’m long overdue a computer upgrade! Hope you enjoy the Qb

I’ve never owned a Mac before and it’s all a bit confusing. But I’m getting there. I’m looking at it as a learning experience.


I’ve still got my old Mac for company here :relaxed:


I know zero about Apples so forgive the question, but what are “Pocket Operators”? I’ve never seen anything like those before…are they Apple-made too? Looks like you collected the set!

They are called Pocket Operators made by a Swedish company called Teenage Engineering, I’ve got most of what they’ve made over the years!
They are portable battery powered sequencers, each one has a particular capability, like a drum machine or sampler as examples. the mini jack cables let you link them together and sync playback.
I sit and noodle on them whilst working.


The new iMac and Qb make for a nice tidy desk setup and both will perform very nicely.


Nice poster! Is it a first printing?

Hope you are getting the hang of it, it took me a while but there is no going back for me. I do not miss the never ending microsoft updates some of which messed up my pc needing expert help. Keep us all posted.


I remember my work going over to Macs from Windows based systems. It took me a few months to adjust for most things like Word/Pages. I never did make the adjustment from Excel to Numbers though. I still find the way files are saved much less intuitive too. Have fun solving the problems though. Visually they are stunning to work on.

I’m not sure tbh. I’ve forgotten who produced it.
It is no. 267 of a 750 run, if I recall the numbers correctly.
I really must get a proper sized frame!

So it must be a serigraph if it’s numbered… Interesting. I started collecting concert posters, try to buy first printings. If anyone here likes classic rock music and posters and yes serigraph’s THE place to go is … Just be prepared to spend hours if its your first visit!

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Always fancied the idea of apple computer ever since the popular Apple II but always chickened out.

Oddly I love my ipad