I’m also toying with getting both and maybe not getting the P8 to replace my RP6. Put the 1300 on the Naim system and the 1210 on the Technics.
Just then brings the dilemma of dealer loyalty, as my long term dealer doesn’t do Technics.
I’m also toying with getting both and maybe not getting the P8 to replace my RP6. Put the 1300 on the Naim system and the 1210 on the Technics.
Just then brings the dilemma of dealer loyalty, as my long term dealer doesn’t do Technics.
Small update - back to two Fraim stacks!!
Much prefer the height.
Chord DAVE
Innous Pulse
SBL Mk2 with Sean Jacobs PXO
Witchhat Phantom Speaker Cables
AR Lunar RCA to DIN
Right stack, Fraim Lite level makes up the Fraim base, the rest full fat Fraim
Powerlines on the 552DR and 300DR
Hi, the support is a custom made base made by NA. (I bought it used)
That’s a lovely setup, Graeme. Those 606s look right at home there. Did you have SBLs before ?
Thanks @james_n, and yes the 606’s have replaced my SBL MKii’s which are now doing a fine job in my second system.
Nice. What’s the silver box on the second shelf from the bottom?
I just replaced my desktop system’s UnitiQute 2 with a NAIT 50. Wow - it’s quite a special integrated amp.
The Esoteric player was on the left and the dCS Bartok Apex was on the far right .
The dCs Rossini Apex takes the place of the Esoteric player
The beautiful curve and line profile of the dCS Rossini Apex.
New member to the NC naim system, and coincidentally , all white lights !
I think it’s quite a special amp too, I’m really enjoying it. The box on the second shelf is the Imperium motor control unit for my MG-1 turntable.
Nothing new since last year except replaced hiline and naca5 with super lumina interconnect and speaker cable which was a significant upgrade in every aspect of the musical performance
Despite the current firmware issues my system has never been more enjoyable
Oooooh Yeah!
Olive is back and successfully.
Rock and roll😉
New deck next to its bro of an amp, sounding very cohesive and propulsive even with the free Project Pick IT silver cart (rebadged Ortofon 2M silver).
Couldn’t resist the draw of a strobe???
Guilty as charged, bloody great deck.
P8 will have its work cut out for me not to plunge for the 1300 for the Naim system, or indeed another GR2.
I absolutely love mine👍🏻
Sleep on the couch😂
Thanks. Will we be seeing a pic of yours with those DBL’s?
Do i need to reconsider my P8?
You are a bad influence.