2024 saw a new dedicated electrical feed, chord epic power to my powerhaus, a switch to naca5, a Sarum tuned array din cable to replace my Hiline and a 555dr ps for my NDX2. Just need another level of quardaspire to get the hicap off the floor now to complete the current collection. All in all an expensive but very satisfying year for upgrades. 282->552 will be next but not for a while just yet.
Great pic by @Paul.B , Naim staff
I am considering a P8 to replace my RP6, but given what this does it has me thinking of SL1300.
Also just wanting to return the favour for the amp recommendation
your ear912 preamp drives me crazy I would like to try it instead of the 252 sc dr with my ami 300 dr
You could jump to a P10, perhaps a/h or ex-dem, or try a Vertere…
What’s wrong with an LP12?
Well, obviously I think that there is very little wrong with an LP12, but it is a lot more different…
Also, I have tried multiple versions on a support that is not ‘light and rigid’ (as originally recommended), and it was not ideal.
Incredible. Elden Ring must sound sublime through your system.
I had a 300 dr with it, also a 250 dr and NC 250. It works very well . But I wanted to have finally all Ear amps.
Ear and Naim match in heaven. You just have to order the right cables.
Hey Nick, been a stalwart fan of Rega since moving from a Dual (many a path trodden there) and owned 4 and bought / recommended more, so always been a fan.
Have eyed LP12’s but they seem to be a wallet drain, constantly chasing the next high (I get the irony given this conversation) but seeing as their entry hits the P10 with a more fit and forget I’ve never been tempted to part with cash for a Linn. Probably also compounded by one of the most tempremental pieces of gear I ever had was Linn pre and power, one day great, next day garbage, timing could just disappear depending on the weather.
Like most I’ve always fancied a Gyrodec, hypnotic design but when I’ve heard them left me unmoved, which has been a real shame as I’d still want one.
Anyway the Technics was mostly a purchase as I’d never had an sl12 but since a kid wanted one, so I read reviews but I was always going to buy one, I thought it would be ok, but it wasn’t going to challenge a proper deck like a Rega.
Well I couldn’t have been more wrong, the build is simply stunning but even with its give away cart (project pick it 2m silver) its presentation style is a world apart from a Rega.
That’s not meant to be a critical comment on Rega, just a fact that they present very differently and I wasn’t expecting such a difference even though I know their approach to engineering differ significantly.
I’ve not written the Rega off, realise my RP6 isn’t on the same level as a P8 or a 10, but when you factor in the cost of the Sl1210GR2 (deals at 1500) of the Sl1300 at 2.8k it’s a helva platform to build on.
And one other stupid idiosyncrasy I have is I could never have a TT with a fishing line counter weight, stupid I know but I just look at it and see disaster, totally unfounded but once it’s in the noggin.
I’m due a session later this month at my dealer and who knows what he might throw into the mix, guess it’s what makes this fun.
Nothing at all, I’m a regular viewer of that thread and there’s some absolutely beautiful examples on there, some of the plinths are stunning.
Sorry just realising that the above comment could read as sarcastic, absolutely no intention of that.
Haha … you do Elden ring as well ?
Hi Adam. Interested to know what you consider the difference in presentation style to be (apologies if in an earlier thread). Thanks. Si.
Hi Si,
At the risk of thread drift I’ll try to keep it short, I’m probably in danger of simplifying it but in the main its the higher degree of separation on everything, feels like it has a more incremental dynamic repertoire. So at the absolute spectrum ends both have bass and lovely top end, but its like there are more pixels to play with.
Again, hasten to add I am comparing RP6 with Ania with SL1210GR2 with Project Pick IT M2 silver. Having said this the RP6 goes via an Aria Phono Stage whereas the Technics is straight into the Phono of the Technics SUG700M2. The two Technics products do work very well together, which might be the assumption but often don’t get greater than the sum of its parts.
The other main difference is the propulsive nature of the bass lines, really solid, not one note (not saying the Rega is, just so it isn’t confused with that) and textured. Much bigger and deeper soundstage too, more separation.
My currently system
Intro are astonishing: natural, coherent, groovy!
I could live with them if DBL wouldn’t exist.
Aw, they look sad