Thanks. That’s most useful (and interesting)
Steve Guttenberg (YouTube) traded his SME for a Technics TT with no regrets.
The SME sounded a little better but noticed when he had the TT’s side by side, Steve gravitated towards playing albums on the Technics.
Below is a pic of my 2025 Office system sitting on my lunch to keep the thread from drifting….too far. (-:
No worries, more than welcome, just to add as I am listening to it in the cabin right now with some more varied material.
Tori Amos , Silent All These Years, gorgeous intimacy to the vocals and excellent decay to the piano. I’m enjoying this
Yeah thanks for that, saw his review of the 1300 as well I think it was, he was impressed.
I’ll be having a shuffle round in next couple of weeks and get a couple of racks in to replace the overloaded one here.
I have a Flos Arco that I picked up ex-display from a closing department store. It was still a lot of money, but I feel it has improved my living space significantly. Beautiful design, high-quality materials - what’s not to love?
When it’s time to put the kid asleep and you’d like to listen to one more song yet (Vivaldi’s violin concertos on the cd player right now). Oh well.
I placed Naim Chips under the Sonus faber Minima Amators this evening and I think it improved the sound, compared to the Sf own small coins. I have also tried IsoAcoustic Gaia IIIs, but they werent for me at all, not with these speakers anyway. I want them to resonate freely.
Absolutely. The Arco is a very lovely thing.
Indeed. Put many, many hours into both the main game as well as Shadow of the Erdtree. I have my gaming PC hooked up to my hifi and like you enjoy hearing games in ways I never imagined in the past.
New photos for the new year. The only change in '24 was the purchase of a 282 and then running the SN2 as a power amp. I’ll be keeping my eyes open for a 250 at some point this year
Love the Naim deck, which model is it?
It’s the Solstice, in chocolate colour and taste.
Ah! The upgraded model with the cream centre i hope, lol.
Hi, first pictures I put here.
the hifi rack is musictools Alica, well done but shelves are quite high compared to fraim. big news of 2024 is the introduction of 555 ps to power nds. worthy upgrade.
NDS on top, than nac 282, hicap dr + cd5i + 555 ps on single shelf, nap 250 dr and napsc at the bottom
result is very well sounding, still I have to define where to put napsc and hicap DR. CD player is off, I almost never use it.
I cannot use freely top shelf as is used to put flowers or other staff, here there is still christmas nativity scene… compromise with my wife. I am allowed to put small staff, I could put here napsc just not to have it so close to 250 dr.
ps bluesound node 2i hidden behind nativity scene
yum 606s - are you going to demo Sigao?
No. I have almost finished my hi-fi journey, and not at home often enough to justify Sigao, two more 135’s and more cables. Not forgetting more Fraim. By the end of this year i will be content.
Rega RP3 TAD Edition / NeoTTPSU2 / Exact + Naim Nait XS / HiCap DR / Stageline N / NAC A 5 + B&W CM7 + MusicLine PowerStrip + Finite Elemente Pagode Rack
How does that slanted ceiling affect the sound, if at all?