Technobabble and mobile phones

Interestingly I found this earlier:

There is clearly some concern, but nothing gets in the way of business and commerce…

Clearly thread topic device will do bugger all to reduce any EMF radiation.

These f**kers preying on the fears of the gullible should be exposed for the charlatans they are and their adverts extirpated :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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This blog which was written for a US audience, is quite uninformed. Although there is some (not very successful) millimetre wave deployment of 5G in city centres in the US, the European and UK deployment is at a much lower frequency in a band about half way between the two WiFi frequencies. So all the nonsensical stuff about what they claim millimetre waves might do is actually irrelevant.




When we’ve seen news reports of 5G masts being torched because people believe they disseminate coronavirus it’s only natural some will try to capitalise on paranoia and stupidity unfortunately.

Radiation is radiation, and undeniably has inherent risks, but quantifying and understanding stochastic vs deterministic effects to the public let alone people with some knowedge is far from black and white.

Might depend where you live I suppose, yes American Audience from the publication but not one we don’t get in the UK :thinking:

Any thoughts on IRMER regulations?

I’m just irritated that I’m too nice to even think of flogging a 128MB memory stick to credulous paranoiacs for a 6700% markup. Yet another reason I’ll never be rich.



Slightly different perhaps but I think as I get older I’m realising that being risk averse has probably stunted my earning potential over the last 15-20 years.

As I age I feel this may change.

Better not have a cellphone continuously in your pockets…if you guess what I mean.

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UK 5G is not planned to use millimetre wave bands. In any case millimetre waves have such short ranges they are only useful for areas where there are large numbers of people wanting service at the same time.

IRMER regulations aren’t relevant in any way to 5G or any radio system because the radio spectrum radiation is non-ionising and IRMER is about ionising radiation (the sort of radiation you get in nuclear reactors for example!) The relevant international body for non-ionising radiation is ICNIRP.




Is 4g 80% as implicit as 5G in all the bad things that happen in the wirld?

I know, it was a side-question (IRMER) as I think you mentioned healthcare in the past.

The ladies will wonder what that bulge is :crazy_face:

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No I don’t know anything about ionising radiation I’m afraid…



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David is on the money here, read the report and follow it up with the embedded links to International Agency for Research on Cancer. Typical scaremongering for an uninformed audience by twisting base facts to fit the narrative.

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I recall there was a thread a few months ago, where a lot of scared people confessed to buying ceramic coated frying pans. :thinking:

Are you taking the smeg?

The first couple of series where low budget, good but not fantastic. Series three onwards, where superb. One of the best comedy show produced by the BBC. Chris Barrie is a comic genius.

I can recommend the anniversary box set, I must have watched it 4 or 5 times.

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CB is Excellent - he had a dream.
Red Dwarf is one of the BBC crowning glories and now the only thing worth watching on Dave. Smoke me a kipper, I’ll be back for breakfast.

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I think that was before I joined the forum so I’ve not seen that one? However in that case, there’s a good reason for buying non stick pans that don’t contain Teflon or it’s derivatives. The whole perfluorooctanoic acid (C8) and DuPont scandal with PFOA’s and PFOS was a very real issue and a cause to be scared. A good amount of information is available, but if you just want an easy start, there was a film called Dark Waters that gave a Hollywood version of the basic issues. It’s a stylised account but the effects are still measurable in nearly everyone that has come into contact with the chemicals in question. I think there was also a BBC Storyville documentary called Poisoning America: The Devil We Know if it’s still available on iPlayer?

That aspect was shocking… it just makes you wonder about the suitability of some people in local government agreeing local policies on our behalf.
As 5G uses some of the spectrum that has been used by digital TV, close to some of the current mobile phone frequencies, wifi frequencies, I wonder if said council are thinking of switching off regular mobile, shutting down terrestrial and satellite TV, and banning all wifi… and further banning all laptop, computers, iPads, LED lightbulbs and flat screen TVs, and even Alexas etc, that all emit electro magnetic and non ionising radiation fields.

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My concern over 5g In the UK has nothing to do with health issues, but rather with potential changes to planning rules. I understand 5g requires a denser network of masts. It would appear operators may (will?) be allowed to extend or built new masts without planning permission and I worry about the adverse visual impact. I’m not anti 5g but I don’t believe 5g rollout should be free from consideration of environmental impact.


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