Tellurium Q-Black 2 alternatives... (speaker cables)

Well i’m not being defensive or agitated. I’m just saying that the manufacturer’s instructions are the only valid source of information.

If you state it in your post, please supply the evidence. Or don’t state it.

What do the manufacturers instructions say ?

The evidence is the manufacturer’s instructions. I thought that was self-evident.

It is reproduced in a post earlier in this thread. Why not read it?

What do the manufacturers instructions say ? Can you link to it ? I am very interested.

We are talking about a hypothetical situation - I am assuming anyway - I didn’t post it originally. As such my comment was a hypothetical one which is as valid as anything else in that hypothetical situation. Not a question of evidence.

Double checked the thread. Read everything. There is no such comment by Naim mentioned.

But what if the manufacturer’s instructions are wrong? Would you believe them if they said the world was flat? I don’t understand why you are banging this particular drum so hard, you don’t even own any Naim equipment other than a few mains leads. All Naim have said is don’t use special cables, they have never stated that A5 is the only safe cable.


Yes there is. Check again.

This :+1:

For reference here’s the section from the Naim Amplifier manual;

Screen Shot 2022-08-08 at 20.06.44

I feel the thread has rather deviated from the OP’s originals question and is going round in circles now, so closure may well be nigh…


Thank you, though this doesn’t support the posters statement
‘Since Naim maintain that A5 or SL is the only correct way…’

I’m out of here :smile:

Read the manual - see the reproduction in Richard’s post.

As Richard has stated things are going round in circles, getting boring and I’m tired of constantly having to repeat myself re- Naim’s instructions.

What if the instructions are wrong? What if they are not? What if this, what if that?

I have no further comment to make other than do as you please.

Now, perhaps, we can discuss the OP’s question without the dubious benefit of evangelical zeal and dogma. Life isn’t black and white.


This must be the best speaker cables for Naim amps. :slight_smile: :wink:

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May i suggest that you return them and to try some NAC A5 instead as i reckon that there’s a pretty good chance that this will solve your current issues. I will strongly advise that you have the cables made up for you by a competent dealer with all of the correct connectors fitted to Naim’s standards. Then once that is done, plug them in, hear what you think, give yourself plenty of time and then report back here, share with us all what you think…


Adherence to the manufacturer’s instructions is not evangelical zeal and dogma. It is a sensible course of action.


Good grief – move on mate. No doubt you made your point, extensively and certainly repeatedly…


If you read Naim’s recommendation as posted by Richard, what is clear is recommendation on cable length. However, Naim is not very clear about cable choice - “some Naim ams are designed only to work with Naim speaker cables”, while other Naim amps can work with “any quality [non-Naim] cable”.

Naim is advising that local retailer and distributor should provide advice on cable choice when the consumer is in doubt.

Given the above, and given many of us here have had good experiences with cables such as TQB or WH (often purchased following dealer recommendations - as suggested by Naim), I’m not sure what the big issue is. There is simply no evidence of using dealer recommended non-Naim cable causing damage to one’s Naim amps as you continue to suggest.

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