The 300 Series - Just Listening Experiences

Has anyone yet compared and noted any differences in either the XLR or DIN connections between the 333 streamer to 332 pre amp ?
DIN has always been touted as the preferred connection before XLR being used throughout.

Do you use standby?

I find my 500 unDRed sounds good from cold now and represents 40W saving over not turning off.


You answered yourself - a couple of hours was not going to tell you how well the power supply would perform on a daily basis / in the long term.


My long weekend with the NAC 332 preamplifier has reminded me of the week I spent with a NAC 52 many years ago. I had one of the earliest production models in my system (using it with a NAP160), as it was on loan from naim HQ for photography for the square product brochure. The experience of that amazing control and just being able to engage with the musical performance was revelatory.

That 52 left a long lasting impression of its high quality, and potential for overall system improvement. My feelings were recently echoed with the NAC 332 in place, as many a familiar track or full album was delivering new aspects and enjoyment to the recordings.

From Led Zeppelin, via Miles Davies, Kings of Convenience, Angela Hewitt, Randy Crawford, Bill Evans, Róisín Murphy, Santana, Antonio Forcione, Robben Ford, Snarky Puppy, Elbow, The Allegri String Quartet, to Kraftwerk and many others - everything was improved with the 332. No doubt when the new preamplifier is here and the running in is completed, my smile will be wider too!


A week was never going to happen. The NDS turned up the next day. NDX never had a chance. :grinning: I still stand by preferring the bare NDX as I know others do but I also know many prefer it with. Just goes towards proving the “different” theory.

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So far it’s more than just more open.

This just hits so much harder, deeper and wider The bass line has a better groove that just walks you along. The cymbals are more dynamic and snappier and everything just works together more coherently.


I’ve Just listen to the lot 200, 300 with Proac Response D30RS. Full 300 was to much HiFi for me,200+NPX300 not quite right to much top end ish. Tried NSC222 with Nap350 bingo for me.On it’s way to replace a n-Vi which is still going.


That could well be and likely why I was never convinced to go all in on the old classics. The NC has removed the veil and revealed the music. In the end we’re all winners, if you prefer the old classics they’re getting discounted and represent a real value proposition now. And the NC offers more SQ with fewer boxes so decent value for those who prefer the NC sound.


I recall many conversations about improving neutrality and openness which were not well received by those who thought that was not what Naim was about, that neutral implied sterile and openness was a hifi artefact. Maybe open and neutral is the new PRaT.


The good thing is the New Classics excel in PRaT. More so than the Classic Series which seem slow in comparison. Note: this does not mean they lack PRaT.


That hasn’t changed.

The NAC 52 does that for me every day.


Same here, very early 52 and 52PS :sunglasses:

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I’ve had another listen to the same configuration today and the sound is more refined. The anomaly I heard now sounds pretty natural, much like @Marq described it.

The dealer says the 350 is still improving day by day.


Heading into day 3 of the 332/300. Was listening to 10,00 Maniacs Unplugged.

The timing is just so much tighter. On Eat for Two for example: The way the guitar and strings interacted and played off of each other just made so much more sense. The section where it slows a bit was really accented and the ache in Natalie Merchant’s voice was palpable.


Looks like i will be joining this topic tomorrow :+1:
Pick up from dealer in the morning.

More to follow once i have the said item in my sweaty palms.


It’s a good album for timing. I had a system for a short period that threw the timing all over the place and it was this album that made me really notice it.


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Great update. Any chance of commenting on the same music with just the 332 and no 300?

I may do that later out of curiosity. and need as The Burndies are still really stiff. @110dB I assume they should be relaxed/massaged like the previous ones?


Sounding pretty good with the NC 222/300/250 as well. First time I have played the album on this setup. So much musicality filling the soundstage


Just. Wow. That’s it