The 300 Series - Just Listening Experiences

I wonder how a pair 350’s will compare to 3 x 250 Olive in an active Kudos 808 system…

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I went to the 200 series demo at Audiobarn and was a little disappointed. Jack is a top guy and agreed a personal demo would be better using some 606 as a starting point. Haven’t been there yet. 300 demo would have been great and would have been nice to meet you Nigel, but frankly I couldn’t afford it so hiding behind the sofa. I guess dealers want to demo as soon as the kit arrives, but I’m sure any system would sound better with a good month of running in which is a shame given the high quality of the kit

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That’s correct, I’ll be trading the 222 for them. Soon, there will be a pre-loved 222 in the market.

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I would definitely demo one at home. I found the NC250 a fantastic match with the 252DR. It’s the best amp I’ve heard with the 252DR

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Thanks @GeoffC, great review! I imagined 332 was going to put things in further focus, looks like you had the same impression. Nothing to take away from how amazing the 222 is (especially with a good signal hygiene) , but I think 332 will be a step up.


I bet there is allot more to come with running in - and of course the extra psu when added should be stunning. I know this is expensive kit … but interms of the classic series it appears to be solid value.

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@Bjm, I’m also looking forward to it, burn-in will take some patience but all part of the sport. About the 300, I asked that same question myself and my conclusion is based on the assumption that streamer is a noisier environment than the preamp, so my initial plan is to use 300 with 333.
As my speakers do love current, I first thought of going from 250 to 350 but I was advised that 332/332 is a more impactful upgrade as the first step. I also wanted to get the benefits of a proper setup of separates instead of going monoblock on amps and staying integrated on the source/preamp section. I dream of adding the 350 eventually.


Thanks, the NSC222 Streamer / Preamplifier is a great package for those who need both. I only wanted a Preamplifier and for me the NAC332 will be my end game control box.


Thanks for a great review and saving the thread from the wilderness.

Although you only sampled the bare 332, it would seem we concur over the general direction of travel the 300 series is taking us.

Congrats on the new arrival. Needless to say it would be great if you could post your impressions of the 332’s burn in journey.


Yup, they haven’t heard these boxes run in yet so it’s only just beginning. I share Geoff’s characterization of the contrast to the old classic. You don’t realize the music you’re missing out on until you hear it through the NC. I don’t know how they did it but Naim have really come back on point with this new kit.

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Hi @NigelB

Well it hasn’t fully arrived yet, it looks like my preorder is a few weeks away, but like the dealers demo models hopefully it might arrive earlier than expected.

Certainly I will post when it is here and continue to inform as it burns in. There is some more to add about my time with the NAC 332 in this thread, and I will as my schedule allows me to do so.


Regarding the 332 - it is difficult to see how this can meaningfully be improved upon. Basically its a darn good passive controller…going into a high quality classic Naim buffer … as simple as that. Adding a really good psu would be as far as you can sensibly go. This preamp should be extrodinarily revealling.

Its hard to think how it could be improved for the 500 range…maybe vibration control, and improved passive components - and some DR regulators in the buffer maybe…but this surley would be tickling…this would take you painfully close to the S1…

Vibration isolation, component tolerances and matching (bit like 282 to 252), no onboard PSU, additional regulation, more new tech, pixie dust? :laughing:


Wonderful Geoff, the 332 really does look like the dog’s b@ll@x

I can only think what adding an NPX300 would bring. It was certainly an uplift when I listened to the NSC222 + NC250 driving some nice Tannoys during a pretty extensive demo in Karlsruhe.

I have finally decided though to finish the new listening room and add speakers to partner my NAC42/NAP110. No HiFi upgrades on the horizon and live with all my serviced and recapped system in 2021 for a few years and decide later. Apart from some attention to the LP12 though😉

There is one thing that I really don’t like though and it goes back with the same thoughts as the CDX2. The huge redundant transformer in the head unit. It’s really a shame that when upgrades are made that these modules can be taken out of the head unit when adding a power supply. I find it such a waste


…and then transferred into the power supply which could be largely an empty box at purchase, would save the additional weight over flexing me suspended floor.

Dear @GeoffC,

Did you try headphones?

All the best,

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Hi @Rafael

I did try the headphone socket using my Grado SR125e and for me it was very good, but I didn’t compare it to the SN2 directly.

I only occasionally use headphones, and would suggest an audition with your own pair if you are considering the NAC332.


I know there are some dealer demonstrations of the 300 series this weekend, including Signals, so hopefully we will get some more feedback on this thread - @Gazza ?

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Signals is 22/23 rd…….more burn in time. There on the Saturday


Hope you have a good day.