The classical music thread

Many thanks for signposting this. Very much enjoying his interpretations of 6th and 7th

I listened to disc 1 (Symphonies 1 & 3) yesterday and really enjoyed them. It is definitely a rival of my Karajan box set for the position of favourite. Need to listen to the rest first before that can be decided…:blush:

Grumiaux is wonderful, as ever.

The Nathan Milstein ‘remake’ on DGG from 1975 is very, very special, one of a handful of LPs that he came out of retirement to make for the Yellow Label in the mid 1970s, along with recordings of Brahms, Mendelssohn, Bruch and Tchaikovsky concertos.

The Bach recordings were re-released, as a 3LP set, in a worldwide limited edition of 1,600 copies last year. It may still be possible to track down an unsold set - it is very well worth the effort. I bought two copies of the set, one to replace my own original copy, and one for my son’s brand new/recycled LP12, which Graham’s in London are putting together for him.

Extraordinary, visionary music!

I have the Milstein DGG reissue box set. #573/1600 I bought it four years ago on Amazon when it was released.

On another forum, someone posted about Kazuhito Yamashita’s recording of guitar transcriptions of the Bach Sonatas and Partitas for Violin. I have that - on SACD no less - but it got me to wondering what had happened to him. Close to if not all of his recordings are OOP in the U.S. I recalled that he made quite an impression with his transcription of Pictures at an Exhibition, although I also read some backlash from critics who claimed it was all show without much artistic sense (similar to criticism I’ve seen of Friday Night in San Francisco).

I decided to find out for myself. I found a used copy, which just arrived yesterday. I’ve ripped it and will probably listen to it today. I also found a new copy of Scheherazade and several other works performed by Yamashita and his wife. That arrived as well.

Does anyone know how long before Donald Macleod returns to present BBC Radio 3’s flagship programme, Composer of the Week? Kate Molleson is ok, but no substitute for Donald.

It looks like 5 June on Rossini. Given DM has just hit a pretty significant birthday, it is sad but not surprising that he is cutting back.

Thanks for letting me know.

Bought from Blickling Hall NT for 33p. I wasn’t expecting much. The CD had no recording details and no booklet. I had never heard of Carmen Paizzini (who’s name was spelled incorrectly on the back of the CD). Apparently, it was originally 2 DVD’s of all all Mozart’s piano sonatas and concertos recorded in the 90’s. However, her playing is excellent and the Leningrad soloists, later the St Petersburg soloists, are very good as well. The acoustics of the hall are very clear. I shall look up some of her other Mozart recordings.

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A lucky charity shop find.

I’ve just listened to a very real sounding recording and perhaps the best performance of one of the most beautiful of Symphonies: Schubert’s 8th. So sad that Schubert wasn’t able to complete this other worldly beauty, but it’s a wonder as it stands and Kertesz judged it to perfection and Decca captured his performance beautifully. I’ve had my money’s worth already, so if the 9th can also deliver then I’ll be delighted.
Judged by my previous experience with Symphonies 1-6, I’m not convinced that even Kertesz and Decca can make them into silk purses, but I’ll give them a try! If anyone can redeem them, they can…


Kertesz had all the makings of one of the greats, but drowned while still quite young.

There is a wonderful DGG release of Carlos Kleiber connecting the Vienna Philharmonic in an (eccentrically fast) Third and Unfinished.

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Maazel’s 1986 Otello is a wonderful performance in bad sound. Although it was recorded for a film, it is the complete opera and not a soundtrack, with Domingo in his prime (he would go on to even better interpretations but the voice itself is thrilling), Te Kanawa as a moving and also beautiful Desdemona, and Diaz as a passable Iago. The recording unfairly favors the orchestra, with a large dynamic range, but not much texture. I love what Maazel did at La Scala in the 80s, and here, too, he did a great job.



I may be wrong here, but my memory tells me that EMI had planned for Carlos Kleiber to conduct that ‘Otello’ - Kleiber and Domingo were frequent collaborators. Predictably unpredictable, Kleiber pulled out. What a shame, as that would have been a wonderful set of records…

You’re not wrong - the film’s producer, Zeffirelli, originally wanted to do the film with Kleiber, who apparently got cold feet. But it’s the recording team that stifled this Otello, not cast or conductor!

Thanks, EJ, for confirming that my memory is not completely shot!

Kleiber got on well with a number of directors - Zeffirelli and Otto Schenk come to mind.


Poor Rusalka gorgeously sung by Renee Fleming, in her signature role.



Interestingly, given recent discussions on the merits or otherwise of RVW’s symphonies, I happened upon an A1 condition box set of the mid-70’s Boult set in a charity shop. I know some experts prefer his earlier (50’s?) set for interpretation, but I’m enthralled by these Kingsway Hall recordings. They’re magnificent. I’ve just listened to the 6th. Thrilling, terrifying, beautiful and right there in my room. Or was I right there in theirs? Not sure. And the set cost me £20 ( £2.20 per disc) . A fair few hours of great performances and listening pleasure to come.


Has anyone gotten any of the new The Original Source AAA DG Classics reissues? The first set will be released in the U.S. on Friday, but I understand European customers have alraedy been getting their copies.

Just curious what people think. I have seen very positive comments from some people on the Steve Hoffman forums.

I have not bought any of them yet, but I am bound to succumb soon!

I’m surprised you aren’t slobbering all over the Kleiber Beethoven 7th. :wink: