The classical music thread


These are limited editions. This is what they say on my jackets:

Beethoven: 3200
Mahler: 2600
Schubert: 2300
Stravinsky: 2400

I don’t know why they are all different limits.

Is it usual to get a confirmation email from DG about an order - or if/only on despatch?

Have a feeling I ordered as a guest, can’t remember if they requested my email address…

I couldn’t say. The one time I placed an order I cancelled it once I realized U.S. vendors were going to carry the records. Shipping to the U.S. from them is €38. Shipping (from Amazon or Target) in the U.S. is free.

Thanks JDP.

Guess it’s a wait-and-see then. At least I have the PP transaction number even if not the DG order one. I should have screenshot the DG page, didn’t realise they’d close it so soon and then require a log in I don’t have :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

You could send customer service your order#. I found they have been pretty reponsive.

Did you get an email confirmation of your order?

Not from DG that I’ve found, or can recall (been out a lot the past few days, hopefully I didn’t wipe it in error).

I wonder if the PP transaction # is the same as a DG order #…but I doubt it. My fault as I should’ve taken a screen shot of the DG confirmation…dammit.

Still time - DF are probably still processing, perhaps.


Pav’s first and only Otello drew quite a bit of attention at the time. It hasn’t become a classic, but he is quite excellent, actually - he cuts through the orchestra like a knife through hot butter and at this stage of his career, late Verdi seemed well within his range.

Opposite him, Leo Nucci is a disappointment - too overtly angry to be a succesful manipulator. Te Kanawa however is again wonderful, and better recorded here than for Maazel. The live recording (with appplause after every act) is excellent, and the sum more than the parts - this is an excellent introduction to the opera in particular thanks to Pavarotti.



DG Rite has arrived, so my fears were groundless.

Beautiful gatefold. No. 0219/2400.
Can’t wait to play it!


I think sonically this is the best of the four, followed by the Mahler.


A distinguished Mahler 5: Bychkov and the CzPh seduce rather than confront, in reference quality sound.



Hi, EJ, I don’t think that there will ever be a better recording of Mahler’s Fifth than Barbirolli’s (1965?) EMI account with the New Philharmonia - there are recordings that are better played (Barbirolli was at the very start of the Mahler renaissance with Bernstein, Kubelik and Horenstein), but none have greater heart than that of ‘Glorious John’ !

It’s showing its age, though, and I would nominate Bernstein’ s Vienna PO ‘live’ recording on DGG for those who want more up-to-date recording quality.

Yes while the Barbirolli’s well known merits remain we have moved on since those days. My current go to for the fifth is Ivan Fischer. Sonically and interpretively (admittedly arguably) a landmark recording. None of the Berstein over the top approach and better recorded than my interpretive favourite, Abbado. There will never be ‘one’ recommendation for this work as the score leaves room for such personal insights.


Abbado was always wonderful in Mahler - all of Bernstein’s passion, without the histrionics, and the Berliners always played beautifully for him.

DGG have just released some ‘Original Source’ vinyl LPs, and I rather fancy that it includes some of Abbado’s Mahler. More re-issued LPs which I will end up buying all over again! Like a lab rat on its wheel!

There’s no Abbado/Mahler announced so far. Did he do any Mahler on four-track tape in the 70s?

I’m trying to order some of these DGG new vinyl issues from Amazon UK or Germany, but there’s an endless chain of password requests, fingerprint scans and blocked access. Living nightmare, as I really wanted the Kleiber Beethoven Seventh and the Gilels/Amadeus ‘Trout’ (both for what seems like the hundredth time), but I can’t crack the impenetrable wall that they’ve put up to stop people actually buying them!. Life’s too short! Will try physical shops in Brighton tomorrow, then give up.

Totally ridiculous! It really should not be so difficult to spend money! Or is Amazon saving me from myself?

Abbado’s very first DG recordings included Mahler 1 in London and Mahler 2 in Vienna,. and some others in Chicago.

Frankly, it’s not worth devoting a minute more of my time, if I can’t buy the wretched things - maddening!

I’m sorry for your struggles. I buy a lot of albums from Amazon and continue to do so because it’s been pretty easy and straightforward. No issues at all. Authentication is not an issue for me ever. What are the fingerprint scans? Mac authentication? I use that a Mac but Amazon remembers my login so I mostly never have to re-authenticate. When I do it’s just a matter of entering username and password (I use 1Password app to store all my passwords, and do that automatically).

I don’t mean to annoy you further but this sounds more like end-user problems than issues with how Amazon works. Do you know someone good with computers that can help you get sorted?

That wasn’t really what I wondered about. If they aren’t a part of what DG recorded to four-track tape in the 70s, then they aren’t candidates for the new series. Would be interesting to know.

I had a (virtually new) Mac stolen a few weeks ago, and it is proving a real chore to get this replacement (on which I’m typing) to replicate the Settings of the one that was nicked.

The Police were able to trace the ‘Find Me’ signals from the stolen Mac (and my stolen iPhone), and arrested the kind gentleman who relieved me of my possessions! I have given a full witness statement to the police, and I may have to give evidence if the matter ever gets before magistrates… I intend to hit the clucker hard between the legs with a walking stick if I get near him!

Sorry, way off the topic of the thread, but a good excuse to let off steam!


Do you have an Apple Store near you? If you bought a new Mac you are entitled to free support, especially with regards to migrating all your settings to the new Mac. Did you have iCloud? If so this should all be easy. I have done all that with new MacBook Air computers for my wife and I in the last few months. It really shouldn’t be all that hard to get it sorted out. Ditto for iPhone. I’ve migrated devices so many times. It does work. Get help from Apple. Your entitled to it with new purchases,

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