The classical music thread

I have bought a few classical albums after seeing mentions, or getting recommendations from people much more knowledgeable than me re: classical music,

Can anyone recommend (CD) a recording of Mendessohn’s Hebridean Overture please?

You can’t beat Dohnanyi in this music. Great performances in terrific sound.


Karajan-Berlin phil.together with scotish and italian simphonies.1971 and 1973 on DG.

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Thanks for speedy replies - ordered !

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Having since looked online for prices of this set, I now realise that my very lucky purchase at £10 from a local record shop’s used section that this was a steal :blush:. I’ve only played one of the 3 records as yet, but there was nary a tick or pop of significance and zero vinyl roar on a magnificent performance of the Dvorak Concerto with Barenboim/Chicago.
I wouldn’t want to be without the Rostropovich/Karajan or Fournier/Szell performances of this work, but there’s fresh insight and a very different (soloist forward!) interpretation and recording here and this is a disc that I’ll add to the list of go to’s for this greatest of all Cello Concertos.
Can’t wait to see what the other discs bring and especially whether this pressing of the Elgar will compete with or beat the Testament reissue…


Presto has a sale on Decca CD Quality downloads. I already grabbed some Hindemith, but I am eyeing a “box set” of Karajan’s orchestral recordings with the VPO, generally dating from the late 50s into the mid 60s.

The repertoire is mainstream, but I would be buying it mostly for sound quality. Is anyone familiar with these releases?

The latest volume in the excellent Haydn 2032 series is now available - up to the high standard of the others. Currently on offer at Presto and highly recommended.


The Decca VPO Karajan recordings were of a very high standard for their day and hold up well even now. Decca engineers justly earned their reputation. I have what I think is the same set but in an earlier issue so I don’t know whether the latest one has been remastered. I suspect you won’t go wrong, though some of the interpretations are “old school” such as the Haydn and Mozart.


I’ve never been sure about the Hitchcockesque cover photo, but this late 50’s Karajan/VPO LP is the best performance of Till Eulenspiegel I know and the sound is surprisingly vivid and real. I’m sure it must be included in the set you’re looking at?


It is.

I did something incredibly stupid though - for the second time in a week (but never before). I accidently selected MP3 as my download format. The FLAC is on sale for the same price. Presto was able to fix it the first blunder - hoping they can fix this one as well. (I actually haven’t even downloaded it yet.)

Sorry to hear of your problem. I hope Presto is able to resolve it for you. I have to say Presto has always been very good if I encountered difficulties.

Presto gave me a refund - I noticed my mistake before I downloaded anything.

I then bought the CD Quality version.


I have received by post today one of the very greatest recordings of a Beethoven symphony - Karl Böhm’s seraphic account, originally released in 1972. The liner notes show that it was recorded between 24 and 26 May 1971.

This is a new LP reissue in DG’s limited edition The Original Source series - my copy is individually numbered 2,150 of the 3,250 which have pressed.

If only all new LP reissues were produced with such care and attention, we vinyl users would be in dreamland!

I got all four of the new releases last week. The best of the lot for me is the Barenboim/CSO Bruckner 4. It’s amazing. The CSO wall of brass unleashed!

review here:

If you want a wall of brass in Bruckner’s Fourth, you might want to try to find Karl Böhm’s Vienna PO recording from the early 1970s, available - very unusually for Böhm - on a Decca 2LP set, with one movement per LP side. A truly monumental recording, with conductor and orchestra going full tilt.

Everything you just said describes the Barenboim/CSO Bruckner 4 very well. The new reissue is also 2 LPs, one movement per side.

This is the one I’m listening to at the moment:


how is it compared to Danny’s?

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I have this (as part of the complete set on Philips). It’s good, but I think the Barenboim is much better. He just doesn’t hold back and it’s a very exciting performance. Add to that the amazing remaster of the DG The Original Source series.

I’ll buy it in your recommendation and will compare it. I need a small present for myself anyhow.

I’ve been listening to quite some music tonight and I was a bit done with it and then i switched to my simple Thorens 165 tt and it was a relief. There is something in vinyl which makes it easier to listen to.