The classical music thread

ah…that’s a pity. I am interested in a high fidelity recording but first I have to love the performance!!
I must say there aren’t many 70s DG recordings/performances I am keen on. Maaaaybe some Pollini or Argerich.

That’s not to say DG Classics won’t ever do a AAA reissue of those 60s titles, but it would be separate of this series. It’s perhaps more likely that someone like Analogphonic would license a reissue, but things move glacially with them.

I have all the titles from this new series and enjoy them all. The Kubelik/BSO Smetana Ma Vlast – for example – has always been a great performance of the work, and the new remaster is truly amazing. There is plenty I love, but if you don’t like what’s offered no sense burning cash on it.

I hope they do the three Chopin albums Pollini recorded.

I was fortunate to see Pollini quite a few times when I lived and worked in London. He was, along with Emil Gilels, the most talented pianist whom I ever saw perform.

He made more than three Chopin records for DG - probably around seven, if my memory is not playing tricks.


I’m a CD man, so can comment from a relatively neutral position :grinning: But if DG release the late Beethoven sonatas (70’s recordings) by Pollini in this vinyl series, I recommend you all grab it quick.

Magnificent performances.

Yes, but the context of my post is The Original Source series (i.e. recordings of the 70s). He made three Chopin recordings for DG in the 70s, that I know of.

Chopin: Etudes: 1972
Chopin Preludes: 1974
Chopin: Polonaises: 1975

These are the possible candidates for The Original Source series.

Fair enough - those were his first three Chopin records for DG, amongst the first that Pollini made.

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Is anyone else annoyed about the scheduling of Building a Library on Radio 3 has been moved to 3.00pm on Saturday? I used to listed on most Saturday mornings at the previous slot of 10.30 to 11.15. It is still presented by the wonderful Andrew Gallagher and his knowledgeable reviewers but the change of scheduling to a sleepy afternoon slot is surely bad for listeners?
I have bought many recordings after hearing the recommendations. Not so many in the future unfortunately.

Can you not listen too the section on BBC Sounds at a time convenient to you?

Yes but not on my Nat01!

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Yes, it’s very annoying that they’ve moved the time. It was good to listen to that which a cappuccino before getting the day going. Incidentally, I think that you mean Andrew McGregor!

I wonder whether DG are thinking of re-releasing Pollini’s collected recordings as a memorial to him? On vinyl, please, as in the lovely The Original Source reissues!

Oooops, bit of a problem there.


Yes sorry he was our pension director and I got the names mixed.

Someone on the Steve Hoffman Forums thread that I started about The Original Source series assembled this list of DG Pollini recordings, as potential candidates:

  • Brahms Piano Quintet: 1979
  • Bartok Abbado CSO Piano Concerto 1+2: 1977
  • Beethoven Piano Concerto 3/Bohm, VPO: 1977
  • Beethoven Piano Concerto 4 /Bohm, VPO: 1976
  • Beethoven Piano Concerto 5 /Bohm, VPO: 1978
  • Beethoven Sonatas 30/31: 1975
  • Beethoven Sonatas 29: 1976
  • Beethoven Sonatas 28/32: 1977
  • Brahms Piano Concerto 1, Bohm: 1976
  • Brahms Piano Concerto 2, Abbado: 1976
  • Chopin Preludes: 1974
  • Chopin: Etudes: 1972
  • Chopin: Polonaises: 1975
  • Mozart Bohm VPO: 1976
  • Nono: 1973/77
  • Provokief/Stravinsky: 1971
  • Schoenberg: 1974
  • Schumann Sonata No 1, Fantaisie: 1973
  • Schubert D845, Wanderer: 1973
  • Webern/Boulez: 1976/77
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I would be at the head of the queue for most of those, if DG were to treat us - bearing in mind that these are limited edition pressings of up to 1,600 copies.

There is not a single title in the series that is limited to 1600 copies. The minimum is 2000 for a couple titles, and most tiles are more than that, many 3000-3350.

its not just building a library that has moved record review has lost 1/2 hour inside music seems to have disappeared and music planet has moved to an evening slot. composer of the week to later afternoon - the list goes on - i can’t see that the schedule has been improved by any of these changes but i guess i’m not the demographic they are trying to attract

Yes, a real pity that ‘Record Review’ has gone from Saturday mornings. Apparently to do with the fact that going out and buying CDs on Saturday afternoons is not such a regular thing now. Having a decent classical selection of new releases outside London or Leamington Spa (Presto) pretty much went years ago. Downloads, streaming and all that. Down here Opus 13 in Bristol is very good for new classical CDs but their main income in sheet music I think. I admit it, I have an ND555 and Qobuz (no CD555 now) and listen to many releases there, so new classical CD or indeed download purchases have all but dried up here at the moment. Quality and convenience is top notch but I do miss the old rituals. The hunting and gathering is no longer required and is somehow missed! I still do it in charity shops for second hand CDs and they can be very cheap. I am questioning even that though as most are on Qobuz somewhere and my space at home is precious!

That’s hardly a limited edition for sure. Already some of the past issues are showing up as a discount…

On top of that, the first batch have already been reissues as unnumbered 2nd editions. I don’t know if they’re going to do that for the subsequent batches but I suspect they may.

I think UMG/DG Classics was caught off-guard by the positive reception and demand for these, and is beginning to rethink the exclusivity factor of it. In addition, the most recent batch had price drops that make them more reasonable, compared to Tone Poet series, etc.

The most recent four titles are numbered in editions of 2800-3250. I have all the titles so far. The lowest numbered edition is the Verdi at 2000.