The Grand Cafe

Very nice Bjorn. Nice to have keepsakes like that with some fond meaning to them.

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When does daylight savings start in the UK? We’re still on summer time.

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We are on it today, clocks went forward last night.

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They start early to try and capture the one week of summer :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


But it works………only a fine drizzle of rain today😂


If it is looks like a cable thread, behaves like a cable thread and is even called ‘speaker cable’, it probably is a cable thread:

What a day!

Glad you enjoyed it… back to work tomorrow.

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Updated my “Naim gear” spreadsheet yesterday after watching some local auctions of gear. It’s a bit scary how the spend adds up, over 10 years in my case, and the loss made on selling older gear as one upgrades. I actually came away from the process quite frustrated, although I have lovely gear. I guess it’s a case of seeing the value over the cost, assuming it’s affordable within the overall vortex of balance in life :sunglasses:


You’re braver than me I’ve never wanted to consider the financial outlay especially now. The only thing I know that my last 3 major upgrades have cost around $40k.

NDX2/525/Fraim $25k, Core $5k and speakers $10k. That’s only the last 3 years.

I forgot my DAC-V1 $2k.

It’s scary. That’s more than I spent on my Suzuki Jimny. :grin:


That seems cheap if new, it includes the 252 and SC :flushed:


It’s definitely so scary for sure

I reckon over the last 20 years I would be in the $200k + mark

Not so bad when you take out 2 turntables totalling say $100k which includes power supplies , phonos etc

Oh well but what enjoyment

Better than cars I reckon


There were trade ins that were worth something those days.

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I’d be scared to go back that far. I can’t even remember what my first outlay was. I do know it took me just over a year to payback.

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Also it looks cheap cause you’ve been buying 500 series. :rofl::rofl:


I’ve kept most of my invoices but not really game to add them up :crazy_face::crazy_face:

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Yep most of the 500 series was Harry’s ex demos from memory so that helped

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I’ve not only hidden them from me but also the other half. :grimacing:


Buggered if I know what I’ll do if I eventually live in one place :grinning::grinning:

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You’ve got spare rooms.

Send your best LP12 back home :sunglasses: