The Grand Cafe

He still has to at some time. He’s great guy and a wonderful doctor.

After a diagnosis of acid reflux, I was put on a monthlong regime without, in ascending order of difficulty, Indian food, booze – and tea!!! I’ve somehow struggled through, and have four days to go. When it’s all done, I’ve been advised to ease back into the forbidden fruits. I’m taking that to mean no more than five cuppas a day. :wink:


I have used the same physician to perform my last 3 colonoscopies. Usually Greeted by a nurse who checks me in and brings me to the change area where I get the gown on, vitals checked, IV started and answer all the questions. Then onto the gurney and pushed into the room where I greet the doctor and nurse anesthetist and both female. The drip starts, the camera inserted and a short time later back out to recovery for a bit of juice, pull the IV and then get dressed and have someone drive me home. A few days later the report arrives in my email along with a copy to my primary care provider.

I did not have any air pumped in me, perhaps something new, last time I went was 7 years ago.

Easy peasy, lemon squeezey…

…except of course for the preparation which has never been easy and truly a pain in the arse!


Think the air is used when they have to remove something.

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Exactly, I had an Adrenal gland removed a few years ago. The Surgeon, not a very friendly fellow but very very good at his job, using the Robot Edward Scissor Hands laparoscopic tools, blew me up like a balloon. Five incisions and out of the hospital next day. The worst part was the Foley Catheter, being removed. Farting like cow for a few days too🐄

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The farting is a concern only because you’re more worried about a follow on, if you get my meaning.

My guy was a gentleman, the last guy decided to carry our extra work without approval leaving me incapacitated for well over a week. My GP later told me that she would never allow him to do what he did. I refused to go back to him.

Do they use the super glue to close up incisions in the U.K.?

I’m in Australia, they do here when suitable.

Yes when deemed suitable.

You wouldn’t want to be getting it in the wrong place…

I meant say suturable :rofl::rofl:


Walking and sitting today Pete?

@Mike_S are you getting hammered by the low weather system sitting in the Tasman. Surf was the biggest I’ve seen for years, causing lots of damage to the beaches.

Walking, all good. Back at work just not allowed to drive till tomorrow.

Yeah, we had a rough night last night - over 100mm of rain and the wind was pretty wild. Then it was still and warm today.

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It’s been cold here, today never got over 14c. Yes I know that’s an spring day in some places, but that freezing for us.

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When we went to the Auckalnd zoo last week whilst Mrs Mike was being juiced up it was a balmy 8°C.

This is the beach where we stay:

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Have you tried those Ovators yet @Pete_the_painter?

I haven’t been to Sydney for 3 weeks I’m hoping to get there early next week.

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Phew, I was almost going to suggest to change the topicname from The Cafe to The Colonoscopy.