The Listening Room Reality

Interesting. Did you find straws gave a better balance than acoutilux? Did you cut the straws down?

I think both methods are used as aperiodic tuning. Basically just adding resistance to the airflow. The rolled up wading just has the bonus that it can be adjusted by stuffing tighter or looser.

I cut straws to port length I taped them together formed a nice round bundle which fitted port snugly…looks really neat…

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You can use smaller straws…for extra resistance…

No good for thick milkshakes though……


Worth a go. Straws are cheap enough. Unless you use environmentally friendly stainless steel ones.

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I discovered a listening room reality recently - ceiling panels fall off if you don’t mount them properly :joy:


Hi I have been plagued by a 64hz hump in my small room…exacerbated by the need to be seated close to the rear wall. I have used dsp and it works…but I have to use quite a brutal notch filter to try and stop the room getting excited. I have measured the room with REW and UMIK-1 and I have about a 10 dB peak at 64hz… I have let GIK have a look at the files…and they say I have 2 issues…a room mode and poor decay at 64hz…
They have helped me with designing a possible solution…tuned pressure panels (scopus) and Monster bass traps…
I am going to try this… total percentage of wall treatment is around 35% … I will let know how I get on…


I have pulled the trigger…GIK are confident it will give me a serious improvement…they say I can have money back if not satisfied…
The good news is everything above 300hz is pretty darn good…so I am using scatter plates where I can except for the clouds… I should have this installed by mid August…hopefully it won’t be boomtastic!! will send some pics when done…


From my experience (+18dB at 389Hz) and a LOT of bass trapping (also about 30%+) I think you’re on the right course and should hear a very considerable improvement.

The salient point here is that at 35% area you are using enough to make a real difference: Expecting a couple of small traps to fix a fundamental room mode is cloud cuckoo land, but it’s surprising how many people selling bass traps make out that this is all you need.


As with many things, need is a big thing here. There’s a line between what’s ideal from a single (sq?) pov, and what’s realistic. Which will include other factors, mostly aesthetics, space & WAF.

The real question is (which I can’t answer) is whether it will improve things, not whether it will solve all issues.

The answer to that is easy. Obviously dependant on the room, but in the vast majority of cases, if not all, treatment is pretty much certain to improve things, although indeed at least in some rooms very difficult to solve all issues.


For me (and many people) +10dB at 64Hz is very audible, and so, in the context of high fidelity sound reproduction, for myself (and many others) it would represent a ‘need’. However I agree other ‘needs’ can outweigh sound quality.

As I said “from my experience”, @Richieroo is “on the right course and should hear a very considerable improvement.” I pointed out that it’s only “from my experience” and I didn’t say “will” I said “should”, and I constrained that opinion just to hearing only.


Absolutely I am under no illusion … I think my issue will be very difficult to illiminate I will be happy if I can moderate and tame the mode and greatly improve the decay times… to give a very listenable experience…I know I won’t get a ruller flat response…I think most Naim owners would be quite shocked at the actual room frequency response … they are listening to… GIK are pretty confident they offer a money back service if not happy. I will let you know how I get on…
Presently I have to use DSP and use quite an aggressive notch at 64hz my hope would be not to have to use dsp. GIK believe that the notch has to overcompensate to tame the very poor decay time…My main concern is that the room will be overdamped at high frequencies and sound strangley dead. I have specified scatter plates on all traps…appart from the clouds…so fingers crossed…

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Why choose to fire speakers along the length of a room if this leads to first reflection issues off the side walls?

Just curious what piece of hardware do you use to implement the dsp? From your profile is would guess its the NUC i7?

I used to use nuci7.with Roon running dsp…which worked fine…I have since upgraded to G4750pro Mini PC X300…
which is amazing 8 cores 16 threads…970pro ssd ,32gig ram… it replaces the nuc and my main pc…and is very energy efficient. I intend to replace its laptop switch mode psu with a super Belleson jobby…

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For important domestic reasons I run speakers crossways across short length… room would not function running longways…it sounds really good I just want to try and stop using dsp.


Gik panels will be arriving shortly…will feed back once installed…

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Hi Peter,

I hope you’re doing well. It’s been a while!

I finally take the time to answer your post. Sorry I haven’t been present on the forum as regularly as previously.

Very nice setup and room treatment.

If I may, your corner traps are velocity-based absorbers placed in high-pressure zones, far from perfect in terms of efficiency. But, of course, it’s better than leaving those corners untreated.

I came across something that you may find of some interest: efficient and tuneable membrane traps.

Those traps could be the answer to your nasty low-end room modes.

I’m planning some big changes to my listening room! :nerd_face:

