The Listening Room Reality

Yeah Robbo room treatment doesn’t really work, another box or gismo always does the trick :+1:t3: Enjoy Peter

The room treatment journey can mount up in cost pretty quickly (I know from experience) and it isn’t always the only answer (also from experience :grimacing:)
I am fortunate enough though to have a dedicated listening room and so have been able to add absorbers, diffusers etc also. But in the upstairs system where I wasn’t able to introduce room treatment the transformer adresses some of the resonance issues to a more than acceptable level :blush:

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Yes, basement soon to be completed. :wink:
Short side is 7m+, above is where my system eventually should end up against that wall


It’s great, you can set up a listening room with an almost flat frequency response. How lucky!

If you can avoid having parallel walls, it’s worth it. It doesn’t solve all the problems, but it makes the acoustic treatment much easier.

I believe that you will realize how good your system actually is.

If an opportunity arises, I’ll buy a piece of land to build on. But around here, in addition to being expensive, land is extremely scarce.

In the meantime I’m building a listening room where I am. Which isn’t so bad either.

Good on you Charlie, if you can allow for a 11-12 feet ceiling height :pray::clap:t2: Good luck with the project Peter

:relaxed: thanks! Well, there is still quite some way ahead before the first spin. No worries about ceiling height should be plenty enough :smiley:

With that kind of ceiling height it’s gonna be good Charlie!! :+1::star_struck::star_struck:

Getting there … dedicated mains in preparation (that red hose in the back on the left ) …:joy::wink::see_no_evil:


Given the size of the pipe, you’re probably planning a dedicated nuclear power plant! :joy:

I would be willing to buy some of your power. We are not so far from each other after all.

Think of doing an effective thermal insulation of your basement in order to control the dew point. This is essential to keep the basement dry.

And for your electrical installation, you can perhaps take inspiration from what I am doing.

The circuit breakers you see are, I believe, the best available.

The cable is also very good. But if you want the very best, there is the Oyaide “EE / F-S 2.6mm PCOCC-A superior” in-wall cable.

I opted for the Gigawatt because of the high rigidity of the Oyaide. Too restrictive in my context. The Gigawatt is still a big, stiff cable but it is easier to manage.

But you probably won’t have these constraints.

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Thomas… I like and respect any member here on the Forum who are thoroughly hard-core. :sunglasses:


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Might not be such a bad idea given the circumstances we are heading into :thinking: thanks also for your suggestions with respect to further electric installations. We ll see but plan to get all three phases there …

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Just make sure that either it’s a fusion plant or you have VERY tolerant grandchildren.


Can you tell us more about the transformer spec…kw rating etc…

Taking the room apart : phase one.


Best of luck with your project, Thomas hope you achieve your goal…looking forward to seeing the finished room and new system.


Holy crapperooo my wife would go into anaphylactic shock :scream: … going in there…mind I like it!! don’t get me wrong - your system should be pretty darn goon in there…good luck exciting!!!

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It’s more and more of a mess…

And it’s going to stay that way for another 3 weeks. The room won’t be finished for another 6 weeks.

My delivery of material from France did not arrive as expected … Ah France… :triumph:

I’m losing 3-4 weeks trying to save a few hundred francs. Next time I’ll order in Switzerland, that will guarantee me both quality and delivery time.


It’s fascinating watching the transformation. Can’t wait to see the finished room, just wish I could hear it as well!

Oh the old duster has come out Thomas :rofl: Good luck with it Peter


Do i see a certain degree of asymmetry there :rofl:

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