The Naim New Classic range - Part 1

One way to find out … book a demo.


Yes, the NSC 222 has an AV bypass feature. (all analogue inputs)

Easy to set in the app. Also easy to change the names of inputs, turn off unused inputs and set sensitivity.


Have faith they will come I’m sure :joy:

@Stevesky - off topic but picking up on your comments re updates even for Gen 1 streamers; the one I would really like is to be able to use a Core to act as a bridge (BubbleUPnP server style) to enable current and future services eg Qobuz for legacy streamers but within the Naim ecosystem and App. For those of us with multiple Gen 1 devices replacing them all is not affordable but a single ‘enhanced’ Core would be.


I love you!!! :laughing:

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I’ve been a fan of the 250 since I first heard one while working for Cambridge Audio in 1988!

It’s been a privilege to work on the DR version and helped on the new one along with our super talented R&D team.

All sound great. The full regulation on the power amp (this is unusual unless an amp is very expensive) makes the bass tight, powerful and timed. The DR PSU inside uses 40% of the power, yet sounds more powerful for it…i.e. if the DR PSU was removed it would be a 140W amplifier.

The latest 250 is the best of all. I’d be happy with any.

New 250 vs 300DR, well, I like the 250, some like the 300. I’m personally very pleased with the zero feedback, single ended, class A, balanced input stage. + a complete rework of the power stages.

The eddy current split is a small upgrade (previously only on Statement). I don’t think it is something we could do very tidily as a retrofit. Interesting thought though!


@110dB - And the ‘correct’ power (0.1%) into 4ohms is…?

@110dB Thank you.

I’ll never own the preamp or the power amp. But I did notice some nice stuff … Naim did away with the Alps volume pot. For a MUCH better stepped resistor network. Should not have the balance issues… My Aesthetix amp has one. I like that the 250 amp outputs 100 wpc into 8ohms and 190 wpc into 4 ohms! More Balls!

It’s too bad Naim doesn’t offer the 222 without their DAC and Streamer…

And I wonder if the 250 will be able to use most any speaker cable?

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So what’s the box on the bottom right then, posted on the FPN FB page today…

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You mean you don’t? :scream:


As a rule of thumb add 10% more power going from 0.1% to 1%

If an amp can provide 100W into 8 ohms at 0.1%, it will do about 110W at 1%
Conversely if it does 190W into 4 ohms at 1% it will do about 170W at 0.1%

Naim rates power into 8 ohms while clipping at 0.1% THD (IHF-202 standard)
Those who rate into 4 ohms and do not say probably use 1%.
In parallel industry they use 10%

Also, remember if an amp is unregulated (NAP250 is regulated) the power will go down as the mains voltage falls, approx 20% for a linear PSU.


Ok, thank you. So its really… a… ‘NAP340’… :crazy_face:


Really thank for the information and experience you are sharing. 250 is my target and having a so huge improvement to something that was already top notch makes me really optimistic


Yes, the new NAP250 and 250DR can use any speaker cable.
We can’t test all but we do model cables and speakers. We also do a test with a meters and meters of cables running along the corridors of R&D. We also run all amps on 2.2uF cap to simulate electrostatic speakers.

We do recommend NACA5, it’s good VFM.
It is stiff, this is part of the sound.
Remember what Faraday would say, any current will have a magnetic field, magnetic fields produce forces etc etc.
The bass notes will force the conductors apart. Forcing the conductors apart modulates the cable properties dynamically.

One thing any amplifier (not just Naim) with feedback dislike is the left and right cable to running together. e.g. running 5m of cable together.
The close proximity capacitively couples the cables, the two channels are effectively joined at high frequencies; they fight. Keep L&R separate.
It is possible to add networkers to mitigate this. These networks are detrimental to sound.


‘Any’ NAP250 is a brilliant amp (mine is from 1985…!).
But some are more brilliant than others… :expressionless:


Where have you been all my life? :pray:


Hi Steven, nice to see you hear. May I ask will you come to the exhibition in München this year? Hope can have a talk with you😊

I very much hope so!