The Naim New Classic range - Part 1

Hi @paulbysea,

The NSC 222 has a pure analogue pre-amp. There is no ADC.
Analogue inputs cannot be multi-roomed


Anyone here able to estimate the order of magnitude forces and conductor displacement at home hifi listening signal levels?

Are you suggesting that Audio Engineering is no more than Advanced Legoā€¦!!! :crazy_face:

Actuallyā€¦ most Engineering is exactly this. Taking known sub-system and integrating them to form a complete unit. The problem lies in that work ā€˜Integratingā€™. Thatā€™s where so much of the work actually happens. Followed by testing the unit to be sure - very sure - that it works as intended.

Not so bad on say a Power Amp or Power Supply, but once you get Digital components involved the whole problem is way bigger. Then add in the ā€˜approvalsā€™ needed from the various outside companies, like Apple & Google. Thatā€™s probably a real stopper - out of Naimā€™s control - timescale unknown. Jeezā€¦ :unamused:

The 222 is done, now. So Naim will have moved on to the 3ā€¦ Whatever its to be calledā€¦ :thinking:


e = V + Ir


Sorry, I tried, really, but couldnā€™t resistā€¦

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Exactly that :+1:

An engineering challenge that should be commended

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Just like the 272. I hope the EE 8switch will make the same difference with 222

So will it hurt even more when stepping on a 222?


Yep, donā€™t most engineers look back on childhoods full of Lego use/abuse!? :smiley:

I spent a few years doing CASE, and wresting with the problems and challenges and opportunities of reuse. Itā€™s interesting seeing what might be the impact of that in a different domain :slight_smile:

Iā€™m sure the integration issues with the 222 included interesting interactions you just couldnā€™t forsee based on interface specs too

Hi @GadgetMan,


Yes, in 0.5W standby the transformer is off and will be quiet.

Hum is a caused by a phenomenon called magnetostriction and/or saturation.

(magnetostriction - As the iron core is magnetised it will physically change shape as the magnetic domains swap with the AC)

If the mains is excessively high the core will saturate and they can hum.
If the mains has a high ā€˜even-ordered distortionā€™ it essentially causes a DC off-set (e.g. a heater on half power - only uses half the mains). A DC offset causes saturation.

Using a lossy lower grade steel this can be minimised. We use a premium ā€˜gain orientatedā€™ (magnetic domains) core. These are more efficient and give a lower impedance transformer, lowering conduction angleā€¦ which makes them sound so much better.

All our large toroidal transformers have their core go through a new annealing process. The core then has a primary winding wound. Then it is measured for noise before the secondary is wound and a further noise test.

It is possible to buy DC blocks for mains (big capacitors with diodes over them). Iā€™ve not had too much success with these and find they slightly degrade SQ.

Isolation transformers can also work too.

When they are in 0.5W mode all audio circuits are muted. They will not make any sound.

We have lowered the pre-amp gain from 22dB to 16dB. We have been setting 16dB on all new products for many years now. IIRC 202/282/252/552 were the last at 22dB. This will reduce the noise by 6dB. We also increased phono gain to compensate. Now digital source and phono stages are more aligned.

Incidentally NSC 222 has a per input sensitively setting in the app to make all inputs the same volume.

Uncorrelated wideband noise is interesting. Thatā€™s a story for another time.


Thank you so much Steve - music to many ears, if you excuse the pun :slight_smile:

Ooohā€¦ Nice. Perhaps overdueā€¦ but done nowā€¦ :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes, definitely. The pain will be severe and will be centred on your Wallet areaā€¦ :expressionless:



Imagine your wallet hurting more than your foot!

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If Faraday had a NAP 250 with NACA5 heā€™d of asked James Maxwellā€¦Maxwell has an equation for forces on parallel conductors. :wink:


Doesnā€™t a saturated transformer also lead to sound degradation? I guess many of us have to chose path since DC and noise on the grid these days is more common than ever with homes being more electrified than ever in history now joined by electric car chargers that even make my electric induction stove buzz in a different frequency.

Humming saturated transformer that sometimes is so loud you cannot play low volume without hearing it, vs DC blocker and silent transformer.


When a core saturates they emit large amounts of flux (magnetic radiation) which typically, a toroid isnā€™t shielded for. They behave great when conditions are good. Poorly when conditions deteriorate.

There are some non audio related engineering videos on YouTube that show the Jekyll and Hyde nature of toroids with and without core saturation.

Iā€™d be interested to know if Naim use an isolating transformer at the factory on their main audio circuits that feed the listening rooms.

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I have to say that the headphone component in the NSC222 is very impressive and certainly on a par with my old 252/Headline/Hicap set up. Iā€™m so glad headphone users have not been forgotten :blush:


Potentially related to this topic, is this a reasoning behind the change in 200 Series case design, namely with the central perspex ā€œbridgeā€ on the top as opposed to the single continuous top case on Old Classic?

useful, thanks steve - does the lower gain structure apply to the SN3?

This seems like a home run for Naim. I think it may turn out to be one of the better sellers in their range.

Personally Iā€™m more interested in your overall impressions of the sound when you feel comfortable enough to form a conclusion.