The Naim New Classic Range - Part 2

Anyone know if an NSC222 (powered by an NPX300) can power a Superline, please? Seems a better sound than the NVC TT but trying to avoid an additional box. Messaging from Australia, where it seems tricky to get this kind of detailed info.


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Unfortunately not. It has a 8pin powered input but this is for the NVC TT, which has different voltage requirements (+/- 18V) compared to the Superline.

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Yup, as James posts above, the voltage requirement is different, so youā€™ll need a HICAP or SUPERCAP for your Superline.


Thank you both, frustrating as that outcome is! A HICAP should be good enough? Iā€™m balancing against a Rega Aura or the NVC TT and (due to some crazy Australian pricing right now) a HICAP/SL combo is cheaper than the other two.

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Oh yes, a Superline powered by a HICAP is very, very good indeed. No, itā€™s not going to worry a Supercap powered SL but thatā€™s a whole lot more money (donā€™t forget the Burndy too) so not surprising really.


@Richard.Dane seeing as you are clearly far more knowledgeable than me, do you consider that an NVC TT powered by an NSC222 which in turn is powered by an NPX300 would be superior in SQ than if powered by a straight (mains-plugged) NSC222, but inferior to an NVC TT powered by an NPX TT? Iā€™ve read that an NVC powered by a simple NSC222 doesnā€™t come close but with its own PS gets close to a Superline/Supercap but wondering if I can get close to the SL/SC standard on my current system (NPX300 / NSC222 / NAP 250 DR) without going the extra NPX TT.

Sorry Shamim, I donā€™t know, as Iā€™ve not heard the NVC TT in either set-up.

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Of course, but noting that the NSC222 apparently runs a dedicated power rail from the NPX pass through to the TT, do you have a sense? It seems to me naim may have been smart in wiring this altogether in an integrated way, though apparently their standard is to always prefer a dedicated external PS.

I had the NVC/NPX TT pairing with my 222/300 and it sounded fabulous, significantly better than the streamer section of the 222. I think powering the NVC TT by your 222/300 would give you good results adding the NPX TT takes it up another step. I havenā€™t done a direct comparison between the NVC/NPX TT with a SL so canā€™t comment. I now have the 333/332 partly because I wanted a streamer that was as good as my LP12 with NVC/NPX, which I now have.

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@paulbysea - have you run the NVC TT powered off the 332 directly by chance?

Thinking I may go down this route to simplify from HCDR/Stageline. I assume it would be an upgrade albeit likely marginal.

Iā€™ve an NVC TT powered directly from a 332 and love it. It has a great dynamic a very good tonal balance and a great timing. But most important for me is that the background noise is non existent. Even if you play your records at low volume you can hear the finest details.Really impressive.
TBH i canā€™t compare it to a Superline as Iā€™ve never owned one. Anyway, IMHO, you wonā€™t regret your choice.

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Thanks for the reply @Peppo62

Your vinyl system is considerably more high-end than mine. I think Iā€™m going to have to demo a NVC TT and have a listen to see if the upgrade is worth it.

That said assuming the HCDR and Stageline is sold the cost to change would be significantly reduced.

Have a good time and enjoy the demo.

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Lots of good phono stages around that donā€™t require a separate PSā€¦ā€¦ I use a Vertere Phono1 with my TT and itā€™s superb. Way way better than the built in stage in the 222. Worth looking around for a phono stage that suits your needs (the match with the cartridge is way more important than what happens downstream).


No, I have always run it via the NPX.

Following @Peppo62 comment, I might try the NVC being powered by the 332/300 to see what the difference is, if I do I will let you know.

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I also use the Vertere Phono1. Can recommend you try one if possible.

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