The new NAIT 50 Limited Edition

I tried to get hold of this cable a couple of months ago. Apparantly it is not available to buy here in Sweden.

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Surely must be available from a dealer mail order. :thinking:

I am sure there will be clear difference. I am worried that I might loose some of what I like with the silvers.

Bin it, its a terrible little thing that screw performance big time.

If you like it leave it alone i do
Donā€™t chase rainbows just decide how far to run. :wink: :+1:t2:
Iā€™m done now. :zipper_mouth_face:


Itā€™s worth trying, but quite honestly I have always found BluTak compromises the timing and sound of small, and mid sized speakers. I find laying on a flat platform suitably coupled to the stand works best. (And such a platform is usually part of the stand)


Great tips about the stands and bluetack. Thank you. would like to give the stands a go someday. The positives for the LS35/A is that I have the perfect room size/listening position for them in our current living situation. However, with a seven year old boy and a senile long haired cat in the mix, the stands would not currently work. Even tucked where they are, I am given a lot of excitement trying to keep everything in tact! I did quite a lot of reading about speaker placement, and there are many conflicting ideas with the speakers being on open framed stands a decent distance away from anything being the closest to consensus. But even that is a bit of a conundrum, with the speaker being best for smaller spaces, that seems impractical? They are at a good height currently at least, and the sound is pleasing. I think the Powerline shores up the bass a bit. Wow, thatā€™s a lot of words, apologies!


What about some mini stands, Iā€™m sure Iā€™ve seen something somewhere that would work where your speakers are now but on small stands, more designed to isolate on a unit rather than placed on the floor.

If memory serves me correctly the stands are about 3-4cm high. Iā€™ll have a look on line and see if I can find them again.


Maybe ISO Stands

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Yes indeed, I use these in my mini production studio with Yamaha activesā€¦ it works very very well.

The Vertere is very neutral. It doesnā€™t colour at all, just lets more of the music through.


It may seem a silly question but how do you know that something doesnā€™t colour and that more of the music is getting through?


Not at all

By listening to familiar tracks on a variety of formats and with different cables. Itā€™s obvious

Not that obvious to me Iā€™m afraid - is not what youā€™re actually saying is this is a sound you like and prefer and you are equating this with no colouration and it may just be a coloration that you like.

You actually have no ā€œcontrolā€ for neutral just an opinion on what neutral sounds like.

And as for more music getting through, what is more music, what is less music?

I can say my Cinnamon DRC2 just allows just enough music through but not too much. I can say it but it has no meaning.

I realise music is quite difficult to describe and Iā€™ve been guilty of many atrocities myself trying to describe what I hear but stating something is neutral, uncoloured and lets more music through really is just a synonym for ā€œI like the sound ofā€ IMO.



In agreement @Sloop_John_B
Itā€™s all about what we enjoy and how the music moves us but sometimes itā€™s very difficult to describe differences.
Obviously if someoneā€™s paid a lot of money for such and such they perceive to hear the music better, but often itā€™s the placebo effect, especially, IMHO, with cables. We are what we are!
I get equal enjoyment with both my systems, one a considerably higher cost.
I could happily live with either as long as Iā€™m listening to music thatā€™s what matters :+1:


I politely disagree, but I donā€™t have the time to debate this.

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No problem, in reality Iā€™m probably not looking for a debate.

I was more interested in pointing out the fallacy that I see in your description as I came into the Naim forum about 20 years ago now and searched in the past for some of the descriptions that I saw in various posts like transparency, as the artist intended, live sound etc. - Only to find out that none of these are actually achievable - that all reproduced sound is an illusion and you just find the illusion that sounds the best to you.

And of course, the elephant in the room that most of us most of the time are predominantly listening to our room and not transparent uncoloured neutral music.

Think of it more like a public service announcement to boost the mental health of hi-fi enthusiasts that may be new to this game and get enticed down frustrating roads that cost a lot of money all because of the certainty espoused on some posts here.



This whole hobby is about listening to the music through the hifi systems we have and when someone makes a change of course that person wants to share it, what can he use other than words to describe the difference? Some may fit better than others, but after all, they are just words that the narrator uses to describe a change.


I am sure it happens to all of us to have a low hifi mojo day and even allow for some nihilismā€¦ yet on an average day I do feel that the Nait 50 is letting more of the music (i.e. whatā€™s recorded and arriving to it) through and it sounds quite engaging and natural to me vs the vast majority of amps Iā€™ve heard in my life.

Most of us here have old enough cloth ears and brains to draw some comparisons - just like with your previous meal, flight or ā€œdanceā€ partner!