The new NAIT 50 Limited Edition

I’ve slotted the Nait 2 into my main living space ready for when the Nait 50 arrives (come on dealer!!!) so I can compare


comparing… this is what I am doing in this moment… we should compare our thoughts :slight_smile:

They are different! Nait 50 definitely more modern … more naim of 2000s - Nait 2 sounds a bit muffled when compared - but this is his “involving effect” and should never be underestimated!



what about very low volume results?
balance issues?

This is so good - Nait 2 was hell … in low volume - channel imbalance… first nothing, than suddenly … Here NOTHING ! This is the first benefit I have seen. Also that there is no hum anymore! Nait 2 was humming in my 2nd system


Thanks for posting those excellent pictures showing the two Naits together.

When was your Nait 2 last serviced?

Interesting comment….”involving”
from past products. I am sitting on the fence with the new amps and streamers…clearly different and better for some.

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in 1987 - never serviced before - bought him recently. It would get tougher when serviced

Nait 2 goes like


I know this will come :rofl:
Nait 2 is very good - to be honest - very much less demanding. More relaxed … BUT… the Nait 50 is really good! :slight_smile:

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Setting the Chord DAVE to -11db about 1v sorts the Nait 2 imbalance, I also use this setting with the 552


Why sitting on the fence??? New = new classic?

I know - but no chord here → ND5XS2/nDAC/XPS … spare streamer after ND555 was coming to town :slight_smile:

Not sure i would want to listen to the new units all night long. I like……but not buy or i buy, so far in the former.

New units = new classic? Never have heard them before… when I remember from, the forum here, they should be a bit more like 90s… but do not know…
nait 50 should be a new classic amp - even in an 80s suit. So far he is good.
But compared to main system…

Comparing Nait 2 to nait 50 is a bit like comparing TT to ND555 - TT is smoother and really relaxed. But ND555 kicks a…

PS: had real old man moment with Nait 50…
plugged everything in (LED on) and … NO sound at all… took me a minute … before I recognized there is a main switch :rofl:


It will be even better exercise if he carries one back with him :sunglasses:


Will be please to hear more about nait2/nait50 shootouts…
Just found nait 2 better with one album… it is smoother … (sometimes this is nicer - but only sometimes) lets give nait 50 some break in time for cutting the edges :slight_smile:.
He will make the race!

A little curious here about how much burning in have you done? I know it is a subject people disagree on… I think it is a huge factor especially in terms of “colours” smoothness and tone?

See my last post - there is no burn it at all! out of the box - there will be a huge jump the next days.
Should I let it run with low volume music? Or should “power on” do the job?

Sorry did not see that:) here is an answer from a Naim staffer regarding burning in! Running in

Like any new amplifier Nait 50 improves considerably after running in. Out of the box it will sound detailed and punchy, over the next days more warmth and engagement come, then more PRaT over the weeks.

While running in:

  • Make sure it is not in standby! - set the ‘auto on’ feature to ‘on’ (i.e. it does not sleep) - this is important
  • Use the volume control (min to max to min occasionally)
    Engage and disengage plugs and sockets (signal, mains and speakers) to remove oxidations on contacts.

For AB listening comparisons ensure the gain is set equal. This is best using a test tone and AC multi-meter (there are test tones on streaming services, - uses -10 or -20dB tracks at say 500Hz. 0.5dB differences will throw results.

Have fun and enjoy!

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