The new NAIT 50 Limited Edition

You are allowed to laugh!
No one says, that nait 50 does not deliver. In my case he does with n-Sats, which are a fine fit.

Nait 2 is not a different level - it is a different era and also tonality. Sometimes less is more - sometimes more is more. Personal taste - mood … we all know that.
To avoid misunderstanding: I love it! Nait 50 is very good with vocals, very detailed (damn good for such small thing) and has nice clarity. And more smoothness will come when burnt in!


don´t get me wrong
I am just surprised how good it is.

first I thought this will be a nice heritage icon in the naim audio history.
A marketing creation.

But now I think Naim put much more love into it to get it right.

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I never thought it to be a marketing creation only.
It is a very modern sounding little amp, which will get very near to its brothers … very near, I think!
It is 100 Series integrated in a vintage looking box.
The sound spectrum Nait 2 vs nait 50 is different - how could it not be … how many years run between?

Just was at a birthday party of my school today - I graduated 87… (nearly like my nait 2 :slight_smile: ).
As I have learned today… a lot of years have passed :slight_smile:

PS: the finish of nait 50 is sooooo GOOD! There was a special angle this morning :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Modern amps are also much more sensitive to the source (the recorded Music but also turntable and cartridge…dac … streamer(transport))…… they have less colouration… more dynamics and transparency….which in my opinion makes speakers and sources much more important in terms of striking a balance…. A lot of modern speakers lack tone and musicality….That is why tubes or vintage amps makes them listenable… and some digital sources have that tendency too (being harsh and unmusical)
… this makes it hard for me to compare vintage and modern gear except systems with good sources and a musical speaker with euphonic qualities


Thanks - I have some valeur audio Micropoint, which are underperforming as surround speaker :slight_smile: Could exchange with n-Sats … Will try.

NAIT50 on fire tonight


How are the Cornwall IVs getting on?

How long have you had them?

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CWIV`s are incredible
since 3 Years apr.
difficult to explain - but at the end there is so much energy to the music


Do they have 15 inch woofers?

In what size room?

Normally with a TT and Nait 2?

15inch yes

16qm room size

switching electronics from time to time (sn3, NAP250DR, NAIT2 etc.)

if you look for excitement and energy it is hard to beat the CW in this price range I believe


I’ve heard the Cornwall IV powered with a 52/500. I really liked the sound. The owner just upgraded to Klipschorns. At 105db efficient, the Nait 50 would be a good match.


Good shout, could be ideal for the (bright) Nait 50 …

as well as red, they also do them in yellow, blue, white, and GREEN !

will try some out…

Have a good weekend.

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Is there enough room around the white LED to just slip it over the LED without having to go inside?

it looks like it should be fine width wise, however may be a touch too long length wise so may need trimming…

the led on the '50 protrudes out more than on the old Naits…

only one way to find out - have ordered some… :crossed_fingers:


Please report, how it is working !

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Yes, for the price difference you may as well get a few colours!

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:+1: went for the full range ! :rainbow:

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Get mine early next week. Don’t like the idea of a bright LED so a red/green cover might be a way of dimming it.

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Interested in these as well - would you be kind enough to post a picture when you’ve got them?

Thanks Simon

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Received a call from my local dealer earlier this afternoon with great news