Things I’ve done in the last 24 hours

Too busy listening to the radio?


It’s like kids who leave a mess in the sure and certain knowledge that the grown-ups will clean it up overnight.


Red Bull gives them wiings, apparently.

Cans and bottles have a 10c return value here which has made a bit of a difference but pigs will always be pigs.


Just got news from my oncologist my pesky neutrophils have returned to normal and now up from 0.1 to 4.6 (whatever that means).


I think that means great news Pete - well done


Yep. Some of our customers, usually the middle-class lot with an overweening sense of entitlement, act exactly like children. Stuff their rubbish anywhere, down the seats, in shopping trolleys, on the floor…anywhere…but a bin? Heaven forbid.


I fink it sounds like good news

best wishes


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Cheers. :+1:

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Seems it’s the same all over the world, they just don’t care.


Do you want the whole list or just the first 50?..


L’enfer , c’est les autres .


I fink it sounds like good news

best wishes


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On a tangential radio issue, not directly related to vtuner(!), I contacted the BBC last week about their mucking about with their station URL’s as it seems virtually no one can pick them up online now without faffing about with new links cobbled together from internet research and even they don’t always work.

This was their response I’ve just had if anyone’s interested:

Thank you for contacting BBC Sounds Support.

I understand you’re enquiring about the changes we’ve made to live BBC radio streams.

The BBC must do everything reasonable to ensure that UK listeners are able to access the public services that are intended for them, in a range of convenient and cost-effective ways. We also must ensure that third-parties are able to meet BBC requirements including prominence, which helps listeners to find content we’ve made for them, and sharing of data, which helps us understand what people are listening to, which in turn helps us improve our content and services. At the same time, it’s important we make sure that third-parties do not use our streams without permission in non-compliant ways, like serving advertisements around our radio services for example. As such, we have started restricting access to our radio streams. They will only be available to third parties that meet BBC requirements.

If you are using an internet radio device, please contact the manufacturer as it’s possible services could be made available again on your device. Unfortunately, it’s not practicable for the BBC to grant access to devices that are no longer supported by the manufacturer.

We are unable to advise on specific devices. Please contact your manufacturer to find out if your device is affected. If your device does not support protected HLS and DASH streaming technologies, which is how we will distribute radio streams online, then it would no longer be possible to listen on this device for the reasons outlined above.

We appreciate your feedback on this. I have included your complaint in full into our dedicated Sounds feedback reports which will be seen by BBC Sounds Management and other relevant teams to help with any future decisions and developments of BBC Sounds Services.

Hearing from our audiences is greatly important and your comments can be used to improve our services. So your feedback can make a real difference and we appreciate you taking the time to contact us.

Kind regards,


I asked Siri to read that and she refused :upside_down_face:


Imodium. :frowning:


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Just back from being measured for a support sock for the troublesome (as in left leg )calf and ankle which it is hoped will offer a bit better mobility and less discomfort. Next step will be those awful shoes secured by Velcro strips.
And then in the cause of how many things can we poke down,upwards and sideways in into an elderly body a needle with anaesthetic will be inserted into my left trochanteric bursa (hip) to try and relief night time discomfort and room to room wandering.
I have read the msd manual in case the doctor needs any assistance.:sweat_smile: I will just keep my eyes shut.
On the scale of medical need it hardly registers but if I could sleep and walk properly that would be wonderful.


Fingers crossed for you Nick.


Sounds , well ghastly - hope the jab works.

The shoes sound even worse . While trying to put my very smart R M Williams boots on for a funeral , I did something to my knee.

A few weeks later at a family funeral , I had to go wearing a very tatty pair of boots that I would never wear to a formal event . White shirt, black tie, black cufflinks etc and my gardening boots


Mrs C and I visited the Hidden Gardens of Cadnant this afternoon. Lovely, even in winter. Plus we found them quite easily.


This evening we went to see the filmed Donmar Warehouse production of Macbeth, with David Tennant and Cush Jumbo in the lead roles. It was really excellent and totally gripping. Today is its first day in cinemas and it’s well worth seeking out.