This drives me crazy!

How many others see this screen on a regular basis when your ND555 isn’t recognized and takes about 15 minutes to find it after either restarting the ND555 or opening and closing the app several times?

Happened to me recently
I unplugged everything including switch, and if u have a wireless access point that as well, and router.
In my situation my wifi from the WAP was messed up - my iPad uses this. My streamer is wired
Also remember to restart phone or iPad whatever u use to control the Naim app
When restarting or replugging go from router to switch to streamer or other source, then pre and amp last
After all rebooted wait 15 min before using system

Ahhh, relishing my CDX2 and none of that nonsense.


I haven’t tried unplugging everything but probably worth a try to see if that resets everything for the good. It just happens it seems like every few days now which is quite frustrating.

It’s a network discovery issue almost certainly. When I had a mesh wifi I kept losing my Naims, and I have four around the house. I got rid of the mesh and the problem went away. I’m not saying that’s the answer for you, but I’d suggest looking into your network setup. Sometimes the App and the Naim can end up on different networks and then it all goes pear shaped.


What do u use for Naim app?
iPad , phone, other?

@HungryHalibut So I live on a farm and have Starlink for internet. The main router that’s connected to the dish is in my wood closet close to the living room where my mesh router is. I have no way of doing it any differently unfortunately, due to the restrictions of cable length out to my Starlink dish. I do have it wired into the mesh router though as it seems to sound better than wireless. I guess it just is what it is.

@davidf I use the naim app on my iphone.

I use iPad via wifi only. No cell service on iPad
I did have problem using iPhone as well (cell and WiFi both on).
The same problem with iPhone and Naim app.
Try what I suggested and remember to also unplug switch if u use one.
The problem has not recurred since I unplugged everything and plugged everything back in.
For me I think the problem was my WAP needed rebooting.
Fingers crossed

Thanks David, I’ll give it a shot!

I have over 60 items on my network. having to unplug them all to make a bit of hifi work would be untenable.

All the time. But don’t worry, it’s nothing to do with Naim software, it’s always your network setup!


Can’t see how you can make such a sweeping statement unless you can list what network setup issues cause the dropouts.

I used to have that intermittently, ie devices disappearing from the list in the app. The fix for me was to replace my router with a TP-Link ER605 router with my ISP router in modem mode. WiFi is the BT Mesh white disks. For £50 ish this router is a bargain.

Did u try what I suggested?
If so any luck?

I did and seems to have stabilized for now, fingers crossed! Thanks again!

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