Thorens TD160B MkII

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ok, so got a new belt, and without the platter or even with the platter on I can see the capstan turning and the belt turning but it isn’t driving the platter works at 33, thought this may have been a belt issue being worn or stretched, but with new belt? Is it worth cleaning everything just in case there is some residue to reduce the friction, prob should have tried this, if so any specific cleaning products recommended? if not this what else could be causing this?

Have you added a drop of oil to the spindle?

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Yes. Isopropyl Alcohol.

And - as @Ardbeg10y says - oil the bearing. No oil is bad, any oil is better.

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Yup. I recently got a 165 gifted which was not spinning well. I’ve replace the belt, cleaned the bearing gave it a drop of special oil and since then it spins well and has zero noise.

It spins much better and silent than my project debut carbon.

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Is it running fast or slow? I assume slow…?

If you have serviced the main bearing and it’s turning nice and freely, turn to the motor. They can get noisy and the bushings can wear. It may need a strip down, bushing replacement and re-lubrication. Otherwise look at the power supply - it may need a service. You can also just replace it with a modern replacement.

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it is the SME 3009 not sure about series, unable to tell Ortofon cartridge though

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thanks to you all, yes gave it a ruddy good clean removed the spindle, there was some crud inside so removed, added a little oil and ‘viola’, works a treat, thanks…btw haven’t tried Ardbeg, not too keen on the peaty ones, Talisker Skye or storm is as peaty as I will go, like the Speysides, and those from Jura too…Slainte


Excellent news.

Btw, from your pics it looks like a 3009 Series 2 Improved (fixed head shell). This was suitable for lighter and higher compliance MM cartridges running low tracking tracking forces.


Try this -


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A spare tire around a chunk of wood would.

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That is exactly what I was thinking Richard. I have one of those languishing on a Thorens TD125 in my loft and I recognise it.


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