Tidal Flac Hi-Res

So from today the new lower pricing is active for Tidal Hires. Last time I evaluated Tidal and Qobuz hires I could not hear any difference. Since Lindemann can output Max through their app using Streaming unlimited streaming hardware I will assume Naim could launch the same through their app. It’s Max over Connect that has been the showstopper for Naim and Lindemann but Naim seem to have chosen not to provide Max through their app. For some reason. My guess is due to it being difficult to communicate why it works with the Naim app and not over Connect.

This is Lindemann Bridge II using Streaming unlimited hardware. They also do not support Max over Connect yet but do offer Max through their own app.

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Do Tidal publish a list of equipment that max will work on?

I intend to try it out via a Wiim streamer into my NDX, but where to go if I like it?

It’s the other way around so you need to check with the manufacturer of the product. Tidal offers integration for everyone that wants to support it. It’s not a Tidal approves thingy like Roon. So check with WiiM in this case on what they support.


In the testing stages still, but all is looking good, amazing that a contraption/gizmo that costs a few quid can totally transform a dedicated streamer costing far more.

Am I correct in thinking that there is no Naim product that is compatible with Tidal Max streams?

Hi again.
Question then to Mr. Happy.
Are you now streaming Tidal Flac hi Res using a Wiim streamer successfully into your naim NDX?
I’m wondering if I could do similar into my ND5XS?? Could be a cheap way to access Hi-res files for just a £150 outlay.
Cheers. Gaz

Take a look at mConnect

I guess what I don’t understand is that if mconnect is ‘just’ a controller that hands off the actual streaming of hires to my 222, and it’s been around a while, how hard can it be to add this functionality to the Naim app and why is it taking so long?


The makers of JPLAY announce that they have implemented support for Tidal MAX into the latest version of their software. Which means that streaming up to and including Tidal quality of 24 bit / 192 kHz becomes possible. In fact, that’s a higher quality than Tidal MASTER previously had to offer, the announcement mentions. JPLAY is a comprehensive app that works with virtually every streamer and DAC currently available. UPnP AV is the protocol that unlocks all the possibilities.

Universal Interface

Conveniently, the software offers one universal interface. This merges local content and streaming content from Qobuz and Tidal into a user-friendly and convenient solution.

Jplay isn’t cheap though, with an annual subscription ($49,99 annually).

There’s the free version. I will try later and share.

Two week trial only though.

Are you sure, because it’s not what I have read on the review yesterday, in the Audiophile magazine ( France ).

Try it. I downloaded it from the Apple Store ( it said free with in app purchases) and I couldn’t get past the sign up for subscription page. Free for 14 days. My subscription would start 1st May.

I have not the same here in France. Downloaded it and played some tracks, stored on my Melco.
The sound is different, but I won’t continue. Lots of bugs, freezing.

Maybe for Tidal and Qobuz it’s different ?

It appears like that for you?

I didn’t subscribe so I haven’t been able to use it. I can’t be bothered to sign up then have to cancel. And I’m m not paying £50 a year for it!

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There are some issues with mconnect streaming hires audio to Naim systems. There’s another discussion on the forum about this.

But Roon it’s 500 per year….

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Roon was having an issue with hires when Tidal introduced the single tier. Anyone that was previously on the lower tier couldn’t get hires. That’s been fixed now. So roon is a pricy option to get Tix Max on Naim, while you wait for actual fix. Rumors seem to suggest Naim will roll out their update about around June.

Are Roon and JPlay comparable in features and performance?

I’ve only played with JPLAY for a short while and feel its performance is somewhat clunky compared to roon. Seems they tried to copy roon’s look and feel. I’ve been roon lifetime member for years, so I have no reason to leave but like to see what else is out there. And seems this year Roon has accelerated their upgrades since Harman bought them out. Just added folder browsing.