Tidal Max not working

Depends what you mean by platform. Since Naim does play tidal but not 24 bit flac. So partially may be the correct term.

I recall that at one point Naim posted at length on here about the complexities of integration. Innuos are also up front about same. The reality is that Naim took some flack for the first generation streamers as dealers and users used to Linn and Sonos didn’t think the platform up to snuff.

The second generation have a platform which is much more adaptable but time stands still for no-one and what looked adaptable a couple of years ago can be over-taken by further developments in the world of streaming and IT in general. That’s before you even look at things like the streaming companies having staff turn over; making decisions on change of direction and so on.

It can be as simple as someone new taking over the coding team; deciding they don’t like the way things are done and asking for revisions of blocks of code. Manufacturers might have been working to integrate that code for months but it can change overnight and there is nothing the likes of Naim can do about that. It was public knowledge for example that Innuos were about to launch a new version of Sense but had to delay Tidal integration specifically because Tidal took a left turn. Neither side got worked up about it. There was just honesty from both sides and the functionality was simply welcomed when it did arrive.

It just isn’t as simple as “they told me it has this” or “and now it should have this”. It’s a delicate negotiation of many complex factors. I really don’t have a problem with people saying what they want about that on any social media. The reality is that if someone chose to do that then sooner or later someone would come along and simply put them right.


OMG, it’s been months since i checked in in this and it’s still not implemented.

I understand there is a cost to Naim to implement this feature update but they have advertised that their system is ready for such new technologies.

This really is dragging on a bit now. I definitely think if you where thinking of an upgrade or a new streamer, with the increased competition and options out there, you would be looking around a bit.

This is just like the Spotify Connect update (which took a while too) only worse.


Yep, 276 posts and many months later and we’re still not even close to getting somewhere.

The treatment afforded to us by Naim, their paying customers, is scandalous. A little honest communication goes a long way even it if it means the seemingly interminable wait continues.


It’s not a source, Mike. At least not a Naim one, nor a Naim product. Unless of course you mean the NSS333, which you can find on the Naim website under “sources”… :wink:

This was communicated on this very forum by Naim’s R&D Director, Steve Sells, just a couple of days ago;


It’s a tad unfortunate that this update about Tidal was hidden away in a thread about the Nait 50. I know what’s going on because I’m part of the Beta group, but the vast majority aren’t, and Naim’s communication on this can hardly be called world class.


Steve got a direct question from me and even though it’s not his responsibility he answered. That’s what I call service. The alternative is to end the direct contact they have here with us and do like all other companies, take everything via formal channels and marketing.


Cannot agree with this more.

They have all to win and nothing to loose starting to communicate. I believe they are stuck in the past or under a management that is offside. Clearly some want to communicate and it’s obvious people are happy getting feedback even if the feedback means delays. Thanks Steve for caring and understanding :green_heart:


Naim has had what they needed to add Tidal’s hi-res platform to their streamers for over 6 months(verified by both Naim and Tidal) yet we still haven’t seen a firmware update to allow streamers like my ND5 XS2?? Other companies including cheaper Chinese companies updated their players within a month or 2 from with Tidal’s hi-res platform yet nothing from Naim?
Is this the norm for Naim when it comes to updating their equipment with such things arise? I am totally disappointed and sadly even though my ND5XS2 goes great with my SN2 I doubt my next streamer will be a Naim… :disappointed:


As noted in another post above, some of blame falls onto Streaming Unlimited. Believe they only released their firmware update in March. At this point, Naim needed to start modifying the firmware to their specifications for the streaming board, plus update their software app. So figure an additional 3 months time. There have been rumors the update was supposed to drop sometime in June.

The other thing is this firmware update is more than just Tidal Max. Includes latest Chromecast updates, Spotify updates, and hopefully ability to plug a pc or phone directly into usb for streaming.

For those who wish to beat Naim with a stick, you should look at the likely commercial viewpoint. How many customers will they lose because of this “delay”, for which they are being pilloried? 10,000? No chance. 1,000? Highly unlikely. 100? Maybe, but I suspect it’s actually 50 or less. And are they sitting with a stockpile of unsold NS whatevers as a result? Also unlikely, so the net loss is negligible, if there even is one. And there are well-documented workarounds.

What if they followed the BMW approach and issued a firmware update, but users had to pay a subscription to access the enhancements? My mate’s car has a heated seat installed, but he refuses to pay the monthly fee for it, so he gets a cold bahookie. The only thing that would disappoint me about my hifi system is if it didn’t sound up to scratch. If I want Tidal Max I can get it pretty readily.

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A lot of men guessing and a me point of view in there. Customer is always right in that companies cannot force their ideas on people. The good thing about the free market. You can go elsewhere if they don’t do what you like.

And for BMW.

BMW drops plan to charge a monthly fee for heated seats

Customers can now toast their tushies without paying a monthly subscription after the German automaker removed it from its digital store of added features.


I am sure it will come.
We got the update back on may 9th, and use the same streaming board.

I had this in a reply to an email to Naim this week and I have since seen the exact same wording quoted elsewhere, so I guess it is the official line currently:

“The implementation of Tidal Max into current Naim products is on our roadmap for 2024. We had originally planned this to be around the start of the year, but due to unforeseen circumstances, we made the decision to delay this until such time that it could be given our full support. We apologise for any inconvenience caused - as soon as we have a clear date of release for Tidal Max, we will send a formal communication to our retailers and customers.”

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Well that clears that up then :+1:

I really wish Naim communicated the situation earlier and then directly to those obviously most invested (here).

It’s not difficult but you need to make it a priority and have the resources.


I can’t see anything which says it isn’t a priority.

Equally bewildered as to how one conjures resources if something unexpected comes along. That’s surely the nature of unexpected things.

Hi Mike

Naim are hardly going to say to customers, this isn’t a priority.

I reached my conclusion because we’ve had multiple communications to individuals in “responses” to their queries/concerns. As a previous comms prof, this screams not enough people/resources thinking through proactively what we need to tell people before they go feral.

It’s really no big deal to me, what I’ve said doesn’t change the fact that this is a great forum.

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I don’t see why they wouldn’t tbh. I’ve had dealings with other companies such as Innuos where they have said exactly that and repeatedly. Nobody died.

Bottom line is you can’t be resourced for every eventuality and people going feral or trying to reason that they should won’t ever change that.