Tidal Max not working

Ok this sounds like a good reason to just wait for the update until after July 24th.

Don’t think they recognise or rate Qobuz. Go to the back where they summarise streaming services and there’s no mention. It seems to be something of a blind spot.

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I am confused.
Does Naim support Tidal Max via Tidal connect or via its embedded Tidal application?

No on both counts until firmware is updated, search the forum for numerous posts on workarounds

I’ve never understood their stance on Qobuz, as you say no mention in their summary of streaming services and pretty negative whenever they address the topic. They were/are very positive on MQA though, perhaps they’re concerned about their advertising revenue, or am I just being cynical?


Ive being watching and waiting for a definitive update from Naim on tidal max. We’re more then halfway through the year and think its only fair that they commit to a realise date for their very patient customer’s


I noticed an update to my Android Tidal app, the changelog includes the comment “allows hires Flac streaming via Chromecast”. Too bad I have to hard reset my Muso2 every time I stream from the Tidal app on my phone, to get the Naim app to work again…but like everybody else, just waiting for those elusive killer firmware/app updates that clean it all up.

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That doesn’t sound right. Have you tried completely closing down the Naim app and then restarting that?

Thanks Jay. Yes I’ve tried restarting the app, and the phone, I’ve even used the manual controls to play one of the streaming radio favorites. Having this trouble with mconnect also, it’s like the muso locks onto the controlling app and won’t let go. Happens 80% of the time. Only solution so far is to unplug the muso for 30 seconds, allow to boot up, works fine then. I’ve learned to live with it. Sorry, off topic.

Sorry, yes off topic apologies from me to, but one more comment.

There’s a ‘stay connected’ toggle in the app and I’ve never been sure what it does, have you tried turning that off?

Stay connected overrules any sleep setting you have defined in ios settings if you do not want to wake the phone up eacch time you have to work with the app… Can be very usefull at home.

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I think it has been there for a few versions. Just tried it again and even on a album labelled max I still get 16 bit 44,1 khz according to the now playing screen. This is on my soon retiring Galaxy a8, running Android 9, but they did not state any android requirementfor this to work.

Tidal Max over Connect just released for Lindemann Bridge and working great :slight_smile: Same streaming board supplier as Naim use so let’s see when Naim release their update to support the same.

Ping to another Lindermann user @Lucifer


Cool. Might have to change from Qobuz to Tidal then.

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Do it. It’s cheaper, it has connect and I cannot hear a difference when tracks have same resolution. There is a transfer function within the tidal app which is free to use up to a certain number. Their smartphone app is also much better than Qobuz. Same with the desktop app IMO.

After I installed the first update I checked again and there was another one. I’m guessing this update is rather big based on the Streaming unlimited press release.

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The same update shows every time I go into fw update. Strange. But I seem to have the latest now at least (2.18).

I also still see it even though I already updated

Listening to vinyl instead anyway. Way better! :sweat_smile:

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Well, my Unity Atom HE updated several times to… the same 3.8.4 (5453).
It currently says there is no update.