Transcriptors Hydraulic Reference Turntable

Other turntables offering minimal support for the discs were of course the Rega Planet, Gale GT2101, and, er, the Amstrad TP12D…

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“A golf ball!?”

Have you not seen the Well Tempered decks before? The golf ball is part of their thing.

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Friend of mine had a Hydraulic Reference back in the 1970s. It was the Prisma model. Its started with the standard Transcriptors arm, which was changed for SME 3009. He ran a CD-4 system in those days with JVC cartridge and amplifier. Many happy evenings spent listening to Frank Zappa’s ‘Over-nite Sensation’ and ‘Apostrophe’ on Quadradisc. He changed it for a Rega Planar 3 in the early 1980s and thought it sounded better. He has the RP3 to this day.

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I have, hence the quotes. It was supposed to be read in the voice of Lady Bracknell. I should have made that part explicit.

I was pointing out in my previous post that many turntable designs exist and have their own design rationales. The golf ball in its fluid bath being one such example. If I recall the tonearm challenged the view at the time of high mass tonearms with low compliance cartridges, or something. Anyway, I’m explaining myself too much

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And I was being a bit dim. I’ve only seen ‘Earnest’ once, at an open air staging at a National Trust property. (That does sound terribly middle class, sorry). Lady B delivered one of her key lines and promptly fainted. We all thought she may have died. Luckily she recovered and carried on, to enormous applause.

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That’s the only line I know I’m afraid, I’m ashamed to admit to being generally a bit of a philistine and don’t even know if I used the quote appropriately! Anyway, hopefully the acceptance that a diversity of approaches in turntable design is a good thing is the key message that comes across here :smiley: I recall (hopefully correctly) you particularly appreciated Rega’s approach. Would be a shame if every turntable was a Linn (though not for Linn)

It’s because Jack Worthing was found in a handbag. It’s a great play. Yes, I think the skeletal Rega design is really good, and now taken even further with the lovely Naia. I saw one at Audio T recently and it’s even better in the carbon fibre than in pictures. It will be interesting to see how many go for it. The whole Linn merry go round has become rather ridiculous.


Typical for a turntable!

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Here’s the other one you need:

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Indeed, all turntables don’t need a platter and felt mat, as the Atmo Sfera one.



Aliens incoming!

I assume you’re referring to the fact that Linn makes upgrades that can be retrofitted to existing turntables. Linn owners don’t have to upgrade if they’re satisfied with what they already have. They can always drown out the siren call to upgrade by listening to more music.

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The one time I saw ‘Earnest’, that line, and the line about the line being immaterial, were delivered by Penelope Keith.

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