Tricky Quiz

Yes, in the absence of any detailed guidance I just stuck Roma in there anyway.
I did refrain from including a number of places far too small to fit any definition of a city I would recognise, such as Deal, Rock, Sandford, Dent, Hough, Ross.

You’re missing BLED, OSLO, ROME, and REYES.

  • “Mabel eyes Carl from her taBLE Directly across the room.”
  • “…round by round, ever sO SLOwly…”
  • “…drawing annoyed stares fROM Everyone.”
  • “From the corner of heR EYE, She sees…”

ALBA is a town, and OMAN is a country. Not sure about ARRAS (some say it’s a town, some say it’s a city!)

Good work though :slightly_smiling_face:

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Well spotted on Rome!

Chris above pointed out Oslo (and also Lyon and Lhasa)

Arras and Alba both have cathedrals, which is one definition of a city.

Bled I did spot, but it doesn’t have a cathedral, and too small a population to count as a city by any other definition (nor really does Tivat, although it’s bigger and as it runs into Kotor, it sort-of has a cathedral. I imagine it was not part of the actual ‘answers’ though.)
You’re probably right about Oman.

Nevertheless, we have collectively found more (49) than the author said he had included!!

I can’t believe I missed Lyon and Rome!

Taka a bow Chris!!

Richard Osman published his answers (as above ex Arras, Alba and … Lhasa!!)

So you beat him, and I didn’t. Très bien fait!

Thanks! Although I confess to having missed Ripon, so not quite a clean sheet.

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