Troika anyone?

I had a GR-rebuilt Troika fitted after a Krystal (3-4 months old). Same dealer fitted both.

The Linn cart was more tuneful but just didn’t sound very well balanced in a vintage Linn/Naim system. I also felt it was musically pulling in another direction - hard to describe but a different time/different ethos perhaps - i.e. foot tapping Linn vs Tunedem Linn

Whereas, the Troika slotted right in, although it took quite a while to run in. I don’t think I’d want the GR Troika in a modern all-Linn setup, but it might work well with modern Naim electronics.

As MrUnderhill said, it’s superb value.


Yeah. To that last sentence - that’s the point isn’t it?

Agreed :+1:

BTW, thanks for this insights on sound signature.

FWIW, we have ours playing through Naim NAC72 - HC - NAP140 - Epos ES14’s. So, probably all as originally intended around that period. Sounds well suited to me. So, I think we got the balance right in the whole system.

[ later edit : thinking about this some more, maybe not exactly “as originally intended”. Our LP12 is now updated in 2021 with upgrades (Kore - Karousel - Lingo4 - T-Kable - Trampolin2). Allowing for this, I’m guessing this has the effect of reducing the noise floor, tightening bass, resolving a more detailed sound, etc. All in small measures. So, the LP12 source maybe leaning a little to a more modern Linn sound. But it still all works really well, in balance, and we are delighted ]


Yes, VFM always is subjective.

I know that before the rebuilt Troika I had been using the Dyn. DV20x2, which is £749. I prefer the Troika, it has me listening to my vinyl more enthusiastically.

Does it sound like an original? I have not heard one. In the early eighties my weapon of choice was the Karma, and then I had children! Much more expensive and didn’t track as well.

My audio memory is just a tad short of 35 years :wink: , so I can’t even approximate an answer to Karma vs Troika rebuild.


LOl :joy:

FWIW, my two kids - when the oldest was a toddler - broke an expensive Dyna’ cartridge. (Lesson here, toddlers and expensive HiFi doesn’t mix well). But for all the years of listening to cello and saxophone practice around the house and attending all the concerts growing up, worth every penny :wink:


Well, amigos y amigas: I just sprung for a Goldring-refurbished Karma to have another go at a period-correct cartridge for my ARO/LP12. (As I mentioned upthread, I had a few really good hours with a refurb’ed Troika before somehow knackering the stylus!)

It’ll be nice to not have to deal with any flying leads. I’ll report back once it’s set up and running!

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I’m a huge fan of the Troika and in refurbished form too. For some years now I have been running a super rare (unique I think) black Troika that has been Goldring modified (Ruby cantilever and Gyger S stylus).

Now dust free.


A new variation on your monika?

Been listening to the Troika via the Chord Symphonic this afternoon, very good …unfortuneately :wink:


Wow. Fascinating
What can you tell us about a black variant?

Not a whole lot that’s definite. It appears to have been a prototype built when the Troika was being designed but before the red colour we all know was chosen - hence it has the black of the preceding Karma. It doesn’t say Linn, or Troika, on the side but it does have a serial number and the body is identical to the usual Troika.

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I am assuming you are the same person as Ynwoan?

Read a fair few of your posts over the years.


Ah yes, indeed - I am. You will be relieved to know that I now write a lot less than I once did and keep my opinions more to myself ;).

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I’ve always found your views interesting & well informed. Glad to see you here.

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That’s very kind of you to say so, thank you.

This was actually the first forum I ever joined (quite a few years before pfm) and, back then, I had a quite different user name. However, when the forum was reinvented (a long time ago now) I had to recreate my profile and I also took the opportunity to change my username.


So thinking about a Troika refurb and David has offered the normal refurb with Aluminium cantilever and Vital shaped diamond or the Boron cantilever with a Micro Ridge diamond for £200 more.

Any views and experiences?

@c2photo great that you are considering this.

The standard Goldring rebuild will offer you the closet match to the original specification for Troika.

Depends whether you wish to stay true to origins. Or fancy “hot rodding” it.

Has David suggested what those better components might produce (sound quality) ?
The micro ridge will probably track better

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I would stick as close to the original as possible if using it in a vintage system that’s all

Mine is standard spec and tracks very well


Having listened to the Aro/Troika through the Chord Symphonic for three weeks I am sad to say that it is worth the money over the Chord Huei or the Naim ‘k’ cards. I was bowled over listening to ‘The Seeds of Love’ yesterday, I had never heard it produced so well. As we all know the SBLs can’t image, and yet I here I was with am amazing 3-D sound stage.


That’s interesting. Have you considered other phono stages, similar price point. For example SuperLine?