Turning off now and again, improved sound?

Same here. Apple stuff just works. Just like Naim :grinning:.

I am also happy to report that both my ā€œOutdatedā€ NDX and ND5XS have never glitched or needed a reboot. The power of the latest firmware I assume.

Except when it doesnā€™t, in both cases.



The topic has come up from time to time in the forum. The general idea that Naim boxes (especially preamps) sound best when theyā€™re left continually powered up seems widely accepted. I think of the periodic power cycle as a corollary to this, that sometimes various components (especially capacitors, it seems) benefit from a periodic (and brief) reset. This post from the old forum speculates on some of the reasons:


There may be some expectation bias in the picture, but I can certainly hear when my system is unaccountably ā€œoffā€, for reasons other than the familiar ones (Iā€™m tired, Iā€™m stressed, something needs tweaking, tightening, or levelling, and so on), and Iā€™ve become familiar with the refreshing effect that the power cycle usually brings.

To my ears, itā€™s like a smaller version of the SQ boost you get when you strip down and rebuild your system: 20% of the benefit for (maybe) 2% of the effort.

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