Two continuing Nova problems

[I’m on the latest firmware release: 3.4.0]

  1. My screen still freezes: currently says I’m playing BBC Radio 4HD on internet radio, but actually I’ve played two songs from the attached SSD music library and no change

  2. A more knotty one (which naim support haven’t been able to fathom / replicate): does anyone else get mismatched album artwork from NAS and/or locally attached/served music libraries? Mine are structured as …/artist/album/music files and within each album there’s a folder.jpg with the relevant artwork. But I get 5 or 6 albums appearing way more regularly and erroneously than they should. See attached, where Carols from Kings College Choir, Cream Anthems and E1vis artworks are not correctly representative.

Any ideas?

This may sound a bit basic, so apologies, but have you tried telling the upnp server to rescan? Have you cleared both the image cache and upnp cache via the app? Try all three and see what happens.

Done all that repeatedly. Never works. (The interesting thing is that there’s no option for the in-built server to have its cache cleared. Only the image cache.)

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