Ubiquiti switch8 problem

just the AC lite access point.
My router is Verizon router

found out the problem with my Ubiquiti Switch 8 software - it shows excellent connection and switch recognized and adopted once I turn off my Firewall on my computer.
When I turn the Firewall back on, then it shows internet connection “bad” and Switch 8 not adopted.
Now this does not have any effect on my NDX2 getting the proper signal, it just means I cannot use the software- which TBH I have no use for.
Is there a way to still use my Firewall (Mcaffee) but not block the Ubiquiti software from detecting the Switch 8? I am not computer savvy, unfortunately.

Hi david, it could be worth looking out for a simple unifi controller such as the gen one cloud key, can be had for fifty quid or I believe the controller software can be installed onto a raspberry pi.

I would drop Unifi support a line to find out as it should not block communication with the software. Or just let the application through as an exception. You should be able to do that with McAfee?

I have always thought antivirus software such as Mcaffee does more harm than good, the generic antimalware shipped with WIndows 10 is quite sufficient, I would just use it.

working now. McAfee support had me simply “restore default settings” and it works fine
That said, I am thinking of getting an “audiophile” swictch for eg EtherRegen switch since seems like alot of forum folk seem to like it
I am such a sucker for any possible upgrades…

Good luck with that. Its only money.


Glad to hear that your firewall fix has resolved the issue and all status is green for your Switch. Does that mean your AP is also showing up properly, and you’re happy with its configuration? I hope so!

As you say, you will almost never need to go into the controller software: it is not needed for network operation and can remain off unless you want to check status, upgrade firmware, change some settings, create a guest wifi network, or add another device (second AP for example). No issues, no worries, keep going.

Here I think you should explore carefully and decide for yourself. In choosing a high quality switch from Ubiqiti, you have already made a big upgrade over the cheapest consumer switches that almost everyone goes with at first… some of the improvements heard by those who went with the Cisco switches often mentioned here were benefiting from the better / proper engineering that goes into a better switch. This stuff isn’t magic: most of the things that “get better” are related to hardware that more closely implements and adheres to the standards as opposed to things which cut corners to shave prices but introduce performance penalties that can manifest in lots of very different ways. You already enjoy many (all?) of those potential benefits over the $10 switch, but there may not be much more to gain over your $100 switch … listen and decide, don’t just assume that the even more expensive device has something extra to bring to your particular party.

Glad you’re sorted, take care and stay safe and healthy.

Regards alan

thanks Alan, you have been very helpful
stay well

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