Unhappy with the new NAIM update

I see Spotify and Tidal are added to ‘Inputs’ now too.


I don’t believe this will permanently fix the issues some are having but it may bring back in the short term some of the sound they are now missing with the FW update. Some of the comments on the aspect of the sound brought it to mind. I often play the frequency sweep tracks on Ayre’s Irrational, But Efficacious disc (ripped) when the sound seems bright or just not correct. I play it at very low volume. I definitely hear an improvement afterward. I will sometimes let the entire album repeat a number of times while I wait for my other electronics to warm (I don’t let my streamer go into standby, definitely sounds better that way). I have no idea why the sweep tracks help (the longer one relatively more), but I do hear improvement.

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I would love if Ansuz could upgrade my cables to next level free of charge. Pleeeease :pray:


The new app update, after the second public version yesterday, works ok and the alarm clock setting is back. However, why do I have to tap twice on a radio station to play it rather than once? This is a ridiculous thing to do to a user experience: making it less convenient than in previous iterations. The engineer who built this should ask users to try it before making bad design decisions like this: “keep it simple stupid” is the primary principle for good design for a reason.

The app is in need of a major overhaul. The sooner the better. In with fresh eyes and look at competition and try to make it better matching the cost of Naim hardware.


Go to app settings->tap for options That should fix it.

And you liked them in your previous system iirc.

Do Designacable mark which end is connected or which end is floating shield?


agreed, one step forward, three steps back

It was in my previous system(s) I introduced CatSnake.

The end of the cable where the screen is connected is not marked. You just specify it when you order.

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Ah - so does the user not know which end is connected?

When I did my radials I recall that an audio expert electrician told me that the connected end should be at the CU not the plug socket.

I certainly have no idea what end of my CatSnakes the shields are connected.

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Sheilding ground for floating should always be terminated at the source of power end.
No point connecting it to nothing. :thinking:

Yes, that’s what various electricians including Sean Jacobs, have told me.

I wonder whether there’s a way to Measure the cables and find out which end is which?

There is a sneaky trade way to find out if you can’t physically open the connections.
Power down and disconnect then find one earth pin and a few inches away from it lightly push a pin through the insulation just to touch the screen and check continuity on a meter and the one that registers should be at the power or source end. :+1:t2:

Nigel is talking about ethernet cables.

The shield connected end should be connected to whichever device is connected to earth.
Which could be both or neither.

336 posts… Can someone kindly summarize what conclusions and actions it resulted in? :thinking:

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Happy for you
But please, dont try and kid yourself

I’ve heard my share of DCS products. I’ve yet to be moved. I’m sure their lawyers are planning to take me down any moment…


Is that all you got lol.
But really the dcs dac’s aren’t cold and 2d, the complete opposite.
But then you know that and just fishing.