Uniti 2

Hi all, can anyone reccomend an add on that would be worthwhile for a uniti 2. I have this connected to a pair of b&w 706s2 speakers via some excellent Merlin scorpion speaker cables . I use the built in streaming of the uniti 2. I am in general extremely happy with the sound . One thing I do notice is that the sound stage seems to lack a little. Any thoughts appreciated.
Many thanks.

It would be worth borrowing a Powerline to try - it made a surprising difference to my Uniti and of course will last through any future upgrades. Most dealers should be able to lend you an ex dem one.
Other than that, the beauty of the Unitis is that they are free of all the multi box fiddling that I don’t miss at all. Some people add a power amp to good effect but that tends to be a route back to separates - fine if that’s what you want.

I added a power line to mine. Then I upgraded to my current 272 system and haven’t looked back. If you have the space I would recommend a power amp, 200 or 250, then replace with 272. I found it to be a massive upgrade.

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