But you haven’t tried it yourself and don’t know about their environment or setup. Have you seen speaker placement, room treatment and so on? I’ve tried the Neet and heard it in a few other systems. It’s used in a few systems that is much higher end than Duncs et al. In one system with Taiko extreme as front end it replaced all Shunyata Omegas. Why would you base you opinion on 3 or even 5 members on this forum?
However my point wasn’t about the Neet it was about noise and how it shapes the sound.
Sure you can doubt it but it’s most likely the case I have a less noisy system than theirs. None of them have a switch that is as efficient as the one I was using at the time and the difference isn’t subtle. It’s been developed over years with the starting point of the PN which was deemed as the best switch he could find. However it wasn’t good enough. The EE8 used by some members sounds bad in comparison and the unmodified PN sounds slow/sluggish in comparison. None of them sounds as good as the modified one.
Right now I have a noisier system though since I had to return the switch to the owner😁
I just gave my opinion on your thinking, not my experience with that cable.
You wrote it’s well better in YOUR system, vs @Dunc , Drago, Geko, who have more resolving systems vs yours and are normally handling better the noise.
For example Dunc has a 100k digital source, a PhoenixNet, and well sorted cables and power environment. How can this system be noisier vs yours?
I wrote this as a practical explanation of how noise would affect the system when you use the Neet. I didn’t write about the neet per se. I am writing about noise. If the Neet doesn’t perform its most likely due to noise since it works so well in systems where extreme measures have been taken against noise.
I think the effect of networking cables is one of those things which appears subject to huge variation due to different environments and systems etc
I remember @NigelB commenting on this several times.
To be frank, I wasn’t expecting a cable between the Core and WiFi mesh disc to have any effect. Whilst I was sceptical I was open to the possibility though.
I guess that the results will never be consistent due to the huge differences in environments. Quite pleased with a relatively cheap upgrade from my perspective. Now ……what if I tried one of those Omegas? (I jest! )
I’m afraid your ‘noise’ logic doesn’t quite stack-up as a connection from a Core to a streamer is already significantly limiting noise and should be superior to any streamed event. However, replacing my BJC patch with Neat 1008 revealed that the Neet actually sounded inferior to BJC. I even tried removing my Sigma and replacing it with Catsnake. In the end I had to remove the Neet and go back to BJC. Please can you explain why Neet doesn’t work for me even with this limited noise environment?
I’m sorry but I have no clue why it doesn’t work for you. It should work very good in an environment with limited noise. I never heard BJC so can’t comment on that.
The key reason why a ‘ripped’ CD quality disc to storage sounds better than even hidef ‘streamed’ music is because of the lower noise levels connecting the two.
FASCINATING,.how different it can be in different systems…
My Blue Jeans Cable cat6a (see picture),.doesn’t stand a chance in soundquality against my Neotech NEET-1008 Silver.
My fiber connection to the house,.and further to the music-system is quite optimal, maybe that makes these perceived differences .
Hi …
Assuming it’s not the worst stuff …
AND,.that the installation is optimal.
I have put in some pictures from time to time,.of different products.
As well as recently on part of my “back-end”,.where @Blackmorec 's writings over time have been a “mentor text” for me.
There you should be able to draw some conclusions.
I know the Innnuos Statement, the switch, the DC3 on router, the Ethernet cables, and knowing you, I guess you have very good power cords and powerblock.
But the amps, dac, speakers, I have never known.
But I know you want to stay anonymous on your island.