Uniti Star ripping

I’m assuming that it made no difference?

Thanks in advance.

It might have reduced it, I’m not sure, but it didn’t prevent the issue completely as far as I recall. There are currently at least 2 active threads about ripping on the Star in addition to this one, as far as I remember the info was posted in at least one of them

Willie, I hope not, as as having a common power supply between the amplifier and something as “noisy” as a CD drive (what with all the Back-EMF from the motor and the stepper-motors) would seem to be a major hardware design error. Still, when I have the time, perhaps tomorrow (I had “given up” on it as non-operational) I will try playing a CD’s music directly, as that will produce the same effect as you stated (if it exists, which I hope not).
By the way, I was not playing any music or doing anything else when I attempted to use the rip function (as advertised). I did not state that the gaps last for several seconds (I believe that when reading a CD, the standard reaction to a read error on the CD is to blank it, as with a rate of around 44KHz, any gaps would be far too short to be noticeable; you would need a cascade of over 44 thousand errors just to get a single second of blank).

My unscientific impression was that there were fewer problems if the Star was doing nothing else besides ripping, but indeed the issue remained.

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