Uniti Star: speaker cables

If anyone knows where I can buy the Naim NACA5 or Kudos KS-1 in Canada, please let me know because my Googling has come up with nothing.

I asked a local Naim dealer and they don’t carry the NACA5 but suggested Audioquest Rocket 11 or 22.

I’ve searched past threads and didn’t find much on how much/little people thought of the Rocket 11 or 22 so would love to hear any user experience since this seems to be my only option so far.

Have you looked on Canuck Audio Mart? I’ve just looked and there are several pairs of A5. Chord and Tellurium Q are also well worth looking at.


Thanks, HungryHalibut. I’ll look but I’d like some suggestions. For Tellurium Q, there’s Black II, Blue 2, Ultrablack, Silver II - no idea which one is best and which length I should be looking for.

I like good quality audio but understanding all of the tech is not my strong suit.

Black II is a safe bet, good quality but not too pricey. As to length I wouldn’t go less than 3m.

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Any thoughts on Blue Jeans cables? I have a spare set of Canare 4S11s that I forgot I had.