Uniti Star

Hello @woj, I completely understand this. Whilst I am totally aware that programming and designing user interfaces ar separate arts (I’m reminded of the classic meme of the backend developer who was asked to design a front end… and the picture is a beautiful, strong horses bum progressing to a neck, head and front legs that were drawn by a 3 year old), I do have those “what an amazing, colour display” thoughts which are then followed by “what a shame no one has done anything with it”.

I think a portion of this comes down to the effort put into the tablet/phone app (which I barely use - music time is time away from the computer). But again, there’s still that huge screen! And I don’t think track information on internet radio adapts or scrolls like I feel it should either. Presently have “Something for the weekend” by Divine comedy on Absolute Radio which just stops at “Something for the weeken…”

It doesn’t make me angry as such, but the joy of computers and software updates means you can bring value to a product that you couldn’t when all the code was in a PIC16Fxxx. After all, this promotional picture of a Uniti Star: https://signals.uk.com/product/naim-uniti-star/ shows a perfect use of such a screen. I don’t think that exists in real life though.

Maybe I should apply for a job :wink: haha.

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It doesn’t. And clearly is just a mock up as it seems to show menu dots on a non-touch screen…

I would maybe copy those images and upload separately within your post, as I’m fairly sure Richard will kill your link….

BTW, I agree with a lot of your observations re the UI and current design and use of the screens in the Unitis and streamers….I have my doubts it will substantially change, unfortunately….


Hello, I am not angry. Apologies if my post came out as angry.
I should say that otherwise Uniti players are very good, nearly perfectl I would say. I love the volume dial, these 4 buttons on the right to the screen which offer essential but intuitive functionality. I like how the app is arranged particularly the favourites and presets and the fact that the user can combine differnt input in there. I have testes several devices recently, inluding the NAD M33 and its the user interface , however fancier, is confusing sometimes. I will not even mention the remote controller whoch is impossible to use. Uniti remote is excellent in my opinion…maybe thats why I am a bit bitter.

Does anybody know the problem with ‘gaps in CD rips’ has been fixed yet with the Unity Star yet?

Yes, it was fixed last year and so be sure your firmware in up to date. Obviously if you were affected then it won’t “fix” old rips. They will need to be re-ripped.


Cheers. I didn’t find out until I had ripped over 200 of my CDs. I have since deleted that collection. I have been considering reripping because of the alarming amount of recordings disappearing off the streaming platforms.

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