Updated Naim App

Hi Richard
So today’s app update allows you to hide ‘favourites’ on the home screen on a gen 1 MUSO.
Still very irritated though that Naim don’t simply enable the functionality that would allow users to rearrange the screens by dragging them - much as you move apps on an iPhone screen. That way we could move what we don’t use at all (or rarely) to the second page without having to remove them altogether.
Also the ability to hide icons is very limited!

Just adding the ability to hide the favourites button does not address the usability issues with the app. - it’s not the answer.
Naim really should start to listen to people and not force changes that the app developer dreams of.

Totally agree. It helps me marginally as it allows me to have Tidal on the front ‘page’ but fundamentally you’re right. It never ceases to amaze me how so many consumer interfaces are still ‘designed’ by techies and imposed on the customer rather than informed by user experience and designed to fit how people actually use the device! Apple were of course once the leaders in this way of thinking but even they have lost sight of it without Steve Jobs challenging what they do.

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