Upgrade advice 52 or 552 or Radikal 1 Urika upgrade to Lp12

Well yes you done everything correctly to it thanks for photos when they come

The experts say karousel first then either the power supply or keel next followed by tonearm and finally cartridge

On my LP12 ARO I’ve just upgraded from the Kore to Keel , big uptick in SQ .

I’m still using the Naim Armageddon power supply , there is just something about the ARO/Geddon combo that I really enjoy

My other LP12 is the Klimax 40th anniversary which has the Radikal PS 1.

I’ve never compared them side by side as in different locations . Both have the Kandid cartridge which I like very much

Not sure about the Kandid with the Akito arm, it’s very expensive , well especially here in Australia , everything probably almost double vs you guys

I think sometimes the old way was to do Keel, tonearm, cart and then power supply. Now the reverse. Bottom line is all will be an upgrade.

Yep for sure Dan

Mate of mine has the Ittok arm with the Dynavector DV-XX2 mk2

It’s very good and half the price of the Kandid

I think could go very well with your tonearm

I have an MM phono stage hence current cart which is high output MC. I don’t think that cart would work with my current set up.

Unfortunately not Dan

Could get a naim stageline I think it’s the K one

I guess they are well discounted these days

But I have K phono stages on 52 :grin:

A Radikal1

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Great to hear how well your streaming experiment turned out, Dan.

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I’ve now got the Karousel bearing and it’s settling in. John at Audio T reckons cart is close to end of life and recommends replacement soon.

It’s about 4 years old and has done pretty well.

We discussed my system and his views on NC. Very interesting. He reckons the 350s aren’t as good as the 500DR and really rates the 300DR and 500 non DR very highly.

He reckons my next move is new cart and to probably stick with the same unless I add the Graham Slee Elevator and then go Low Output MC or use the K boards on the 52. If I go low output he suggested Krystal with my tonearm.

The tonearm was upgraded about 6 years ago by Audio Origami and is therefore a non standard Akito 1.

Then Radikal 1 power supply or 2 ideally in Klimax finish.

Then Ekos 2 or SE

Then Urika phono stage, which won’t benefit from my current tone arm.

With better tonearm obviously can then go with a better cartridge.

Obviously I don’t need to do any of this work but he suggested to focus on the LP12 rather than amplification.

My thoughts are leave it all a few months and let it bed in and then make a decision on the cart.

Probably makes sense to get Dynavector 10x5 again and trade in current one and get a discount.


The streaming equipment is now top notch. It’s definitely done on that front!

Very nice Dan. Gradual upgrades to the deck is a good way to go if you want to upgrade that is. I was hasty doing mine in 2004/2005 but must say that pre keel/radikal etc, the deck with lingo2/linto/ekos2/Akiva was a real belter when properly set up. I think I got one of the last ekos2 before the ekos se came out. I will certainly do some upgrades to the LP12 in the coming years.

You should also think of a record cleaning machine which will prolong stylus life

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So are you thinking going Radikal and Karousel?

My thoughts are to get replacement Dynavector Cart, leave the phono stage and go Radikal 1 to start with.

I don’t want to spend £1500 on cart and £700 on extra add on to phono stage if it’s going to be sold later on.

Later down the line get an Ekos SE or 2 and Keel.

Listened to Rega Naia and it’s very very good. Alternative to Linn LP12 Klimax chaser.


And I am not ready to get a Radikal 1 yet I hasten to add. Only reason why I did Karousel is massive discount and sale of 82. Got alot of outgoings with remortgage on flat I own and new lease and setting up a new will and LPA.

I may go lingo 4 and keep the linto and get kore/karousel with a new kandid. That should work pretty well

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On the right track Dan

I agree that at this stage just go with the same cartridge

As you say no hurry at all on all of this.

Then Radikal 1.

With the Akito yes a cartridge around the price range as the Krystal is about right, no more.

I tried the Krystal on my ARO before going Kandid, I found it a bit “edgy” for my tastes , and a little unrefined . Try the DV XX2 mk 2 as alternative maybe.

Can all become a huge money pitt but it’s great as every upgrade one can hear the benefit


Oops meant to say Dan , try the Lingo 4 , it’s very good , you may find that’s as far as you wish to go.

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If you can stretch to it a used Radikal 1 is better than Lingo 4. Although a Lingo 4 is better than previous entrants and comes closer to the Radikal 1.

It’s whether you can get one in Germany.

Here, they sell for £1700 to £2000 for Radikal 1 Akurate finish.

I’ve heard Radikal 1 is meant to be better.

Agree Dan yes it is - if can pick up Radikal 1 second hand I guess the way to go :+1: