Hi, my first step would be to change the XS2 for a separate preamp. A 202 would be nice, but if you can find a 282 that would be better Either way, you already have the Hicap to power it, so it’s a simple swap.
(By the way, the Hicap doesn’t power the power amp, just the preamp, but that doesn’t affect anything else.)
Thanks for the suggestions. At this point, the NAC 282 is a little over my budget at the moment. Would I be better off waiting and getting the NAC 282 in the future or getting the 202 now? Would the NAC 202 be a significant noticeable improvement over my XS2? Thanks
To be honest I’ve never tried listening to an XS2 as preamp only, but I do think the 202 is a good pre. I certainly wouldn’t rule it out, although the 282 is great if you can find the funds. Also consider the older 82 which is very good too.
As the 202 and 282 are no longer current models it ought to be straightforward to source good pre-loved examples. Although the 282 will be more expensive it really is the gateway to Naim nirvana and well worth the extra over the 202.
Thanks. I was searching for the NAP 282 but I assume the suggestion is the NAC 282? I was able to find a couple on eBay for just a little more than the NAP. At this point point, a used one might be the way to go for me!
There are a couple of 202s at tomtom audio £599 each. Consider adding a napsc as well to power the 202 in addition to the hicap. It’s not mandatory so you can add one later.
Yes, it’s a NAC (preamp) as opposed to a NAP (power amp). There is no NAP282, the partner to the 282 in the Naim range was the NAP250, but it works very well with a NAP200 as well.
The 282 comes with a NAPSC as standard so bear this in mind when comparing prices. I was never convinced when I had the 202 and although it was somewhat better with a NAPSC, the 282 is just so much more capable.
Sorry, I’m not understanding. Aren’t both the NAPSC and HICAP power supplies? Are you saying both a NAPSC and HICAP can be used on the 282 at the same time? My apologies, I’m still learning how these components work together. Thanks.
I wondered after if the 222 can power the 200.
Yes, more expensive. But is Bluesound/ Qtest an enough good source for a 282/hicap/ 200?
The advantage with a 222 is you are improving both the pre and the source, vs xs3 pre and Bluesound/ Qtest ( I feel, but not sure however).
I wondered after if the 222 can power the 200.
Yes, more expensive. But is Bluesound/ Qtest an enough good source for a 282/hicap/ 200?
The advantage with a 222 is you are improving both the pre and the source, vs xs3 pre and Bluesound/ Qtest ( I feel, but not sure however).
But finally it’s not on the OP budget. And a 282/ hicap would be a big upgrade vs the XS3 pre.
Yes, both are power supplies and can be used at the same time. The napsc powers the non audio parts, i.e. input switching and motorised pots such as volume. Napsc is a very simple psu.
Hicap supplies noise free dc for the audio.
The NAPSC is specifically for the control circuitry - you still need a main power supply e.g. your Hi-Cap - for the audio circuits.
With the 202, the NAPSC is optional and gives a modest improvement if used. With a 282 the NAPSC is mandatory which is why it comes bundled with the pre-amp.