Upgrade digital front end - Eversolo DMP-A6 better than Allo Digione Signature?

The thing is that next year there is a new shiny kid on the block promising eternal youth and world peace. One buys that too. This goes on and on and on and on.

It’s simply a wiser and more harmonic decision to go for an ex demo NDX2 or ND5XS2. It may be even cheaper in the longer run.

I bet Naim supports and update the software longer. Reason for it is that the new series have the same streaming board.


That is one thing I sure hope that Naim does it, I have invested on their gear lately.

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Neither of which are alternatives for the DMP-A6 though. You’d need to get a NAC272 or NSC222, the former having the old streaming card, the latter likely not available other than new. And at eight times the price.

Cambridge Audio CXN v2 would be a similarly priced competitor, but no idea about their long term support.

Perhaps a 2nd hand Atom HE? Not sure if there’s many of those around and at what price.

I also have an Atom HE, it’s a great product, very well built, better looking than the Eversolo, a different and better quality overall.

But, and there’s a big but, the Eversolo is a bigger bargain price wise .

If you take the sound out of the equation because the differences are there but not on the same price proportion, and take into account instead the software support being abandoned every 2 or 3 years from now. For the price of an ndx2 I could have 8 generations of the Eversolo, is 16 years or 24 years with always on the latest tech every 2 or 3 years, And I could always resell the old unit at a less loss than an NDX2.

Naim probably charges more than the price of an Eversolo every 10 to 12 years just to change the caps, because of service and transport.

The NDX2 sounds really better, but not 7 or 8 times better, for someone on a budget this Eversolo is a great experience not a disappointment. Is it for my main system, I already have better gear there, so for me not really, but is good enough that I could have it in the system and not feeling disappointed or that I Am missing a lot.

On the Naim forum, sure we recommend Naim, but listen to the Eversolo first, maybe you will like it more than you think.


I just bought a customer trade in nd5 2xs for a very good price. Only one year old. It is bonding very well with my SN2.


Thanks @sonwleo for an unbiased review.

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