Upgrade my Grahams Hydra?

The contrary is also true lol. “ I have an Hydra, Naim recommended it, it can’t be bettered “. :grin::chicken:

To be fair, I think Focal/ Naim would rather that we buy an expensive Poweline for each box to replace the kettle lead, instead of one inexpensive Hydra.

Grahams too are financially incentivised to argue the same. It is surely to their credit that they offer a Hydra, and that they encourage you to listen to see if you can actually hear a difference - and to buy the cheap power option if you can’t tell the difference.

Still more credit goes to those who work at rival shops and could sell us Powelines, but freely admit that their own multi-box olive setup is still powered by an old Hydra.

However, a non- negligible minority here have tried various options and found that a non- Hydra option pleases them more, and I have no reason to doubt them. Different systems, rooms, mains supply, priorities and ears….


Power Igel Plus the super luxury Hydra,made with Naim Powerlines by the German Naim importer, extremely good I think.

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I’d be inclined to appreciate the merits of the PowerIgel more if there was decoupling at the point where the indivdual leads exit the cylinder. Having said this I’m sure it’s pretty good - at a price.

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It may be hard to tuck out of sight, but it does look impressive. How much does a 6-way cost and can you try before you buy?

It’s about £ 4500.Can´t be impossible for a Naim dealer in UK to import them ,I think.

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For that big a multiple of the cost of a Hydra AND a dedicated supply from meter to socket, it would need to be good!

Is it star-earthed?

For now, I’ll probably stay sceptical but not dismissive. It would be interesting to hear in a proper test one day…

The Power Igel with ordinary Naim cables is about £ 675. Naim Powerlines are expensive…
Yes it is star-earthed.


Chatsitonthefence more like.

Roughly translated into common parlance:

‘Yeah, but no, but yeah, but no, but….’

Dedicated spurs, switchless sockets…

I am not the only one here agreeing with you on the benefits of both.

Plugging into my house ring main versus the dedicated supply, and Hydra versus the kettle leads that originally came in the box suggests that (in my house and system) the Hydra was a bigger step, but that does not negate the above. Using multiple listeners, including musicians and young non hifi-bores just reinforced this result.

However, I think the question being addressed, unless I am just misunderstanding (which would not be a first), is whether any further ‘upgrades’ to power leads beyond an Hydra are ever of any audible benefit.

I am willing to dismiss firm views from those who haven’t heard anything but what they have, but interested in suggestions from those who have.

I am particularly interested in apparently sensible people who don’t have 500 or Statement systems suggesting that it is worth spending several thousand pounds on power leads.

Given the OP’s question and many comments here, I am not the only one interested, if only to reinforce our existing views…

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Indeed. Everything I’ve tried it with is responded to in such a manner.



It’s usually hard to argue with the man himself!

Perhaps there is something else wrong with my hifi or my house or my ears (and those of others who kindly helped with the listening) to explain what was wrong with having some boxes on the dedicated radial supply and some on the house ring main. And perhaps other people who got the same result elsewhere had the same problem. On the other hand, I am not sure that you and I are actually disagreeing too absolutely on this anyway.

I generally had the impression that JV was one of those who reckoned that if something sounds better, then it probably is better.

In your house, if I have understood correctly, you have tried many options and stuck with what worked best. I hope that nothing I have said disputes that that is a very wise approach - it is after all what I have tried to do myself.

The fact that what you have picked is also star-earthed (if I have understood your comments) seems to suggest that we are, after all, not a million miles apart on this topic, and that you don’t regard that JV comment about MC’s views as the last word on the subject.

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Yes ! I thought it was interesting that Naim invented the Hydra.
Also good that JV showed that multiple spurs is the wrong way, for Naim amplifiers.

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I’m unable to repeat in my current location but if you can a separate CU direct to the incoming fuse and then 10mm^2 equal length cooker cable to each stocket so no ring but star earthed back to the CU and then equal length mains cables of you choice. I used 6mm^2 studio rubber cable and unplated Oyaide IEC and the big MS plugs and it wasn’t super costly but was a good upgrade

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