Very old Naim CDS with duff remote

I’ve decided to sell my Naim CDS/original power supply (not supercap). I got it within weeks of the CDS being released. Alas it’s been sitting on a shelf for the last few years, only being taken out of its box when I came across the (very rare CD which I couldn’t rip.

I can’t leave it permanently attached to my Naim 552 (no room!), so it has to go.

Alas, the old original remote has ceased to work. I don’t really feel like going through the hassle of plugging it into my 552, and ask “will a current Narcom Remote work with this very early CDS?”.

Is your remote a long thin metal type with two rows of buttons all the way down or a plastic type remote .
Early 52s ran a different remote ,and the 52 did not respond to later remotes .
But your fabulous CDS being Philips based I suspect will be ok with most later and current remotes .My CD1 certainly is .

To Keltik :slight_smile:

Yes, it’s the one you describe.