Wall mounts / brackets (with ProAc Tablette 10 Sigs)

Wall brackets is not often a thread subject and wall mount avoids using floor space for stand mount or floor standers. So a few thoughts for those considering small speakers and different solutions.

Clearly this works best with speakers of a small size designed to be close to rear wall.
AFAIK, only Spendor market a wall bracket version of their speakers. I questioned Proac, who were unable to offer any thoughts and do not offer their own version.

Decided to purchase ProAc Tablette 10 Signatures used, on spec.

In a dining room with Nova, originally used Spendor SA1s fitted by Spendor, with what I believed was their own proprietary wall brackets. Enjoyed the result, Spendors ultimately moved to a different room, to match other Spendor speakers.

It now appears these brackets are also sold by Future Shop as B-Tech speaker wall mounts with tilt & swivel, which come complete with all screws and a weight restriction of 10kilos. Small pilot holes drilled into back of speaker, affix one of four parts of the design and then hang on wall.

There is one issue with using wall brackets of course. That is getting positioning right before hanging. Using old stands helped here with a try out. Wires have been hidden into the wall.

Details - room 16sqm, top of speakers <2m from floor, width apart >2.5 metres (only alternate 1.5m, so likely too close).

Results very pleased. Vocals and voice excellent, bass if not pushed by volume, present and enjoyable. Majority of use is Radio 3 with which they work well.

The sound organisation used to make wall brackets for the linn kan which are the same size as the tablette 10 signature.
When I tried them I found the bass overpowering when hard up against the wall but did think they sounded well balanced with a 12 inch gap to the wall. I hope that they work well for you.

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