Wall socket or IEC connector for dedicated audio group?

No I didn’t. For the simple reason that I’ve tried various power strips with ‘a’ form of filtering/conditioning over the years and always preferred unfiltered after a while. Naim and mains conditioning don’t seem to go together that well in my experience. YMMV of course!

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ok, to some degree it depends where you live.

[anorak mode on]
That connector style (C19) is rated at up to 16A by the international standard IEC 60320.

In some countries where AC supply voltages are lower, local standards allow for use up to 20A, most notable USA/Canada with 110V voltage does allow up to 20A. As does Japan (on 100V) which is where the pictured Furutech connector is made which is why it gets labelled at 20A.

I also suspect that whatever device C20 connector that you are plugging your C19 into will also be rated at max 16A if your voltage is around the 220-240 mark, or perhaps 20A if in USA/Canada/Japan.
[anorak mode off]

In reality, regardless of where you live, these current ratings are very conservative, so i don’t suppose you will have any problem.

I saw this post from you: https://community.naimaudio.com/t/adding-dedicated-mains-quick-question/24458/35?u=hifi_naim_cnnl

Did you manage to get the Gigawatt cable through the 16mm pipes that were installed already?

Haven’t done this yet :grimacing:

I have a three headed Grahams Hydra. Have you ever tried one vs your Powerlines into your Puritan block?

Here in the UK this would be a real no-no and possibly illegal.

I don’t know what your local regulations are, but clearly it’s an uncoventional arrangement even if it does not contravene any regulations or laws. Personally I wouldn’t do it as I just don’t think installing a non-standard electrical arrangement in a domestic property is a good idea.

One possible disadvantage is that you will be unable to connect the mains block to the wall with a dedicated specialist mains cable.

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