Warm Interconnects

All a matter of room, ear and personal taste as well as writing style :joy:
Yes - with 500 lavender was Bright and edgy - with Olive it was warm and bodied x with full midrange - I would not say low in spectrum.
Maybe I also remember in an incorrect way

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And that, most likely, is to do with artefacts caused by, for example, modulation in the DAC, which in my book ideally one would minimise/prevent, rather than use as a glorified tone control. That said, one reported effect of ground plane modulation in the DAC is a false “brightness” to the sound, so if that is the effect the OP is experiencing, better isolation of the DAC, including ground, might be beneficial.


Correct !
But in the end warm / cold and dark / bright can also be tweaked as I found out
Analog cables can sound
Digital ones … only difference with noise reduction

Currently listening with Duelund 12ga speaker cables.
I would think they qualify as warm sounding cable:
Compared to Naca5 they sound smoother.
Naca5 is clearer, music is more upfront, bass better defined, more energy in the high frequencies - so Naca5 seems the „better“ cable.
Yet with Duelund 12ga I can listen more relaxed and for a longer time.

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