Weiss DAC204 or Chord TT2 DAC?

I’m on a mission to find a significant upgrade from my QuTest DAC.
Any experience with either of these DACs?
I’ve read great things about both of them.

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I auditioned the Qutest and chose the TT2. I’ve since twice had the Qutest on loan at home when the TT2 went in for repairs. What are you looking to learn and why?

Both great DACs.

I resisted the TT2, as with upgraded psu the Qutest retrieved more detail to my ear. I later regretted this; I missed things the TT2 did.

Ultimately I was glad I waited. The Weiss 204 fit my system like a glove, works very well with the SBLs; and adding the PSU102 kicks it into a higher gear.

But, you really need to listen to these DACs in your own system. Your room and system may lead you in another direction.


Does the PSU102 make a significant difference in sound? Do you know anything about the ModWright Linear Power Supply? It’s about half the price.

Incoming, incoming! I just ordered the Weiss 204 DAC! I’ll post my impressions soon. Thanks for the feedback and suggestions!



I have a very healthy respect for Modwright.

The Weiss 102 is excellent, with a range of output voltages. I bought a second for non-Weiss powering.

The Ferrum Hypsos was an improvement on the supplied Weiss smps, and the 102 better still; as it should be for the money!

Look forward to your thoughts.

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Let me put it this way, if I got a Chord Dave as a gift, it would end up in my secondary system. Yes, the Weiss DAC204 is that good.


Weiss do make some great DACs.

We were very impressed by the 502.


Are you using an upgraded LPS with your Weiss DAC204?

Yes, UpTone Audio JS-2. A good power supply is required for top results, with the stock SMPS it is only slightly better than a Qutest, IME.


Did you consider the ModWright Linear Power Supply? It appears to be the same price point. So many to choose from! Hard to know without trying them all. Lol!

I did, but didn’t get to try one, maybe in the future. Plixir looks like a very good option too.


For giggles, I asked ChatGPT which would be best with my NAC-282 and the following was the result:


For Warm, Analog-Like Sound with Rich Dimensionality: Go with the ModWright LPS. It’s ideal if you prefer a lush, immersive sound with slightly emphasized depth and tonal weight.

For a Neutral, Expansive Soundstage with Precision: Choose the UpTone Audio JS-2. It’s better if you value clarity, separation, and an open, airy presentation.

  1. If you want to preserve and enhance Naim’s warmth and musicality: Go with the ModWright Linear Power Supply. It complements the NAC-282’s strengths and adds depth and tonal richness.
  2. If you prefer a balanced presentation with added detail and soundstage width: Choose the UpTone Audio JS-2, especially if you value clarity and spatial precision.

Do you think this an accurate description of the JS-2?

Hard to say, it is very system dependant. The DAC204 has a touch of warmth, which the JS-2 didn’t emphasized. Dynamics, texture and soundstage were enhanced, quite obvious improvement.

I’m curious what connection are you using to the Weiss? What file type do you stream? PCM or DSD?

99.9% PCM from Roon/Qobuz via iFi Zen Stream USB. I have a grand total of two DSD albums, which the DAC204 downconverts without issues.

Any reason not to use the coax? That happens to be the cable I have from my previous DAC.
Is there a strong reason I should use USB? Thanks.

The iFi Zen Stream works better through the USB interface, and there’s the DSD compatibility issue too.

I’ve got a Qutest which I’m potentially looking to replace, I tried an external 5v power supply and could tell much of a difference.

Be interesting to hear more about the Weiss 204. Have heard it’s on par with the Chord DAVE which would be amazing for the price-point it sells at. Shame it’s not black though.

I’ll definitely post my thoughts about the Weiss when I get it!

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